(for some reason my email notification does not have the complete post so I was missing some information)
Continuing about the disabling of attributes in the filters.
I would take disabling the whole attribute (size, color), but if it was just as simple, I would prefer to be able to disable the values (l,m,s). Yes the list would be very long if it were using values, but it is the simplest way to complete this (unless you can think of something easier) and I don't mind typing them all in. It's just once.
Ok. I'll keep posting here. Sorry for the confusion. I was trying to keep it organized between the bugs I was telling you about and questions. The link above fixes IE8 issues.
The following fixed my issue for the two areas but I need the css change for the GO TO CART button in the popup window after you add something to your cart. It still does not change to white on hover.
New Bug: order.shipments is displayed on the Order information page. I've corrected it but thought you would like to know so you can correct it in the template.
I'm not sure where to post this but I am looking to change the jcarousel that is displayed on the products page.
When I have more than 5 thumbnails pictures, I want the scrolling affect to apply and not move the 6+ pictures to just get moved down to a 2nd row.
This may help. I think they even fixed it with the latest update.
Sorry for responding to the other post. I turned it off.
Sorry. I was testing the login feature. It it turned off now and no credentials are needed to browse.