
Profile: UserThomas


User posts

10 years ago

Support wrote:
If the changes are mainly css and not large ones you can use the administration -> plugins -> nop allure theme -> settings and the Custom Head Styles property.

I pasted .sub-category-grid {display: none;} into the custom head properties and nothing happened. Am I missing some information or a setting?

[quote]it is a good idea to have your own css file, say custom.css and include it in the theme. Thus when updating you will need only to keep and include this file in the updated theme.[/quote]

Most of my changes are basic css; color, image sizes, display items... This seems like a good idea. How would I include it?

Sorry for all the basic questions. I'm trying to make some minor changes and once it's all set, I won't change it much.  Is there a user manual that would help guide me and possibly answer some of these questions?  I have viewed the documentation page but that mostly shows installation options.

I wanted the columns on the left side of the page and the product image on the left side as well.  You helped and the changes you sent worked great, but when I disable the Quick Tabs plugin, it causes the product image to align to the right side and it moves all the details, buy button, reviews, attributes.... down below that.

These are the changes you instructed me to make:

@media screen and (min-width: 1001px){
.product-details-page .overview {
margin-left: 620px;
margin-right: 0;
@media screen and (min-width: 769px){
.ui-tabs {
float: left
@media screen and (min-width: 769px){
.product-details-page .overview {
float: right;
.side-2 {float: left;}
.center-2 {float: right;}

10 years ago

UserThomas wrote:
How do I change the size of the category round pictures on the home page and the sub-category round pictures on the category pages?

I believe I have got this. Please confirm if this is the setting I change:
File: 980.css
.home-page-category-grid .item-box {
        width: 15.33333333333333%;


This is partially correct. The categories on the home page and category page are a bit different and that is why there are two separate styles:

.home-page-category-grid .item-box
.category-page .item-box

If you need to change the size of the round pictures just change the width as you have written above for those two styles.

Please have in mind that for the different resolutions the sizes are different and in the different files. For the desktop version the styles are in 980.css file.

Hope that helps!

changing this setting also changes the size of the products being displayed.  this causes formatting and quickview style errors.

.category-page .item-box {
        width: 32.3333333%;
        float: left;

is there anyway to just change the sub-category circles only, like i can on the home page?

Also, as an option, is there anyway to remove the sub-categories from showing up at all?
Clicking "computers" and it shows me all the items under that category, but then on the left navigation, i click on "desktops" and it shows me only desktops.

10 years ago

I noticed with the new updates to this them that the css files now have rtl version.  When making changes, do I need to change them for all instances?

What are the rtl.css versions for?

10 years ago

copying the allure folder over erased all my css changes...

10 years ago

Support wrote:


Can you please send the screenshot and a link to your site to our support email so that we can sort this our quickly!

Best Regards!

i emailed it.

10 years ago

Support wrote:
How do I change the size of the category round pictures on the home page and the sub-category round pictures on the category pages?

I believe I have got this. Please confirm if this is the setting I change:
File: 980.css
.home-page-category-grid .item-box {
        width: 15.33333333333333%;


This is partially correct. The categories on the home page and category page are a bit different and that is why there are two separate styles:

.home-page-category-grid .item-box
.category-page .item-box

If you need to change the size of the round pictures just change the width as you have written above for those two styles.

Please have in mind that for the different resolutions the sizes are different and in the different files. For the desktop version the styles are in 980.css file.

Hope that helps!

changing this setting also changes the size of the products being displayed.  this causes formatting and quickview style errors.

.category-page .item-box {
        width: 32.3333333%;
        float: left;

is there anyway to just change the sub-category circles only, like i can on the home page?

10 years ago

Support wrote:
Hi Thomas,

Yes, I was talking about topics and not widgets. Sorry for the typo.

You need to have a ContactUs topic in your administration -> content management -> topics .If it is missing you should create it yourself as it is part of nopCommerce and is not created by any of our plugins. This topic is displayed as a topic block on the Contact Us page. So when you open the Contact Us page this topic is displayed just before the inputs for entering name, email and enquiry.

You can see it here .

Hope that helps!

When I create a Contact Us page it inserts the information I type in onto the contact us form on the website. However, it has two "contact us" titles listed.  One because of the email form (it has contact us written with a pink underline) and a second time below that (contact us written and two thin grey lines on each side).  Then it has the information I enter for the topic page. Then it has the user form.

I think it it combining the topic page I make with a page you have for the form.

In my previous post, the admin site for the topic page contact us is /t/ContactUs , but the link on the website is /Contactus.

I wish I could send a screen shot.

10 years ago

Regarding the color themes:
I copy pasted the theme colors in the styles.css, renamed it from orange to blue, change the hex colors, but how do I apply it to the site?  The color does not show in the admin side so that I can select it.

10 years ago

I forgot to mention.... I uninstalled the theme plugin, deleted all the topics pages and then re-installed it and the only pages it installed were:
