
Profile: violabg


User posts

10 years ago

1) yes I tested on a IPad
2) yes I meant <= 768, sorry for the typo

when I changed the code on Alfresco.js i worked on the device

10 years ago

when you have multiple languages and you are showing them with flags, the menu bar overlaps the search bar on a screen smaller than 480px (only on the home page)

10 years ago

I see it works on item thumbs, but still doesn't work on features products (Jcarousel)

when you look the site on a small screen (<=768) the filters color square are not layout property

10 years ago

on iPad portrait view when the categories are collapsed the javascript doesn't work

$(this).find(".title strong").click(function () {

            var viewport = $.getSpikesViewPort();

            if (viewport.width < 768) {
                //$(that).find(".listbox").slideToggle("slow"); //instead of taking the .listbox we can take the second child of the .block element
                // as the blocks in the filters do not have the .listbox class, but filtersGroupPanel instead

should be

if (viewport.width <? 768)

buttons input (sach as add to cart button) on iPad(landscape) are not styled, they appear with the system style instead of the Alfresco one.

11 years ago

transition don't work on safari, you should use vendor prefix

Nop Ajax Cart on Product Page, always start with quantity set to 1, and when you click the add to cart button it does not honor the product with minimum quantity.
This is true for single variant product and for multi variant products where the first variant get 1 has quantity.