
Profile: Ebrahim


User posts

9 years ago

I have a problem with anywhere slider 3.5.
Niva anywhere slider effects not true work.Just Fade effect work fine.
other effect have a problem.
when change picture, appear new next picture but in small size on left top corner and play effect on it then finish effect time, orginal picture(larg picture) very fast without effect changed.

I had version 3.4 and this version work fine. but version 3.5 not work corectly.
Please help me.
Sorry for my english

10 years ago


In home page I have  JCarousel and maximum Number of columns is 4.

Now when screen size less than 718px the Number of columns change to 3.

How can I change 718px to 857px?
means when width less than to 857px then Number of columns change to 3?

10 years ago

In "Access Control List" I Unchecked these options:

Public store. Display Prices            
Public store. Enable shopping cart            
Public store. Enable wishlist

But still Show Price Rage On Ajax Filters.

NOW , How can check this setting on if statement?

@if(Public store.Enable shopping cart == False)

10 years ago

I want disabled "Price Range Filter Slider" if ShoppingCartEnabled=false

How can get this setting in "PriceRangeFilterSlider.cshtml" file?

I add this code in to "PriceRangeFilterSlider.cshtml":

@using Nop.Web.Controllers;
@if (ShoppingCartEnabled)

But not work

10 years ago

Boyko wrote:
Hi every body

How to change "ON SALE" text? I cant find it on Resources.en-us.xml on pelugin folder and main site Resources file.

I found text location on OnSaleFilter.cshtml file this section:

<div class="filtersGroupPanel" style="@toggleStateStyles">

but cant find @onSaleOptionsHtml(0).

Please help me

Hi Ebrahim,

It should be in the Resource file of the plugin. You have probably missed it.
Here is the resource key:"SevenSpikes.NopAjaxFilters.Public.OnSale".
Here is a video of how to search and change resources.

I Cant find it :-( resource key:"SevenSpikes.NopAjaxFilters.Public.OnSale".
and I try to add it but still show "On Sale" text.
Can you tell me how to get "On Sale" text from "@onSaleOptionsHtml(0)" script??

10 years ago

Hi every body

How to change "ON SALE" text? I cant find it on Resources.en-us.xml on pelugin folder and main site Resources file.

I found text location on OnSaleFilter.cshtml file this section:

<div class="filtersGroupPanel" style="@toggleStateStyles">

but cant find @onSaleOptionsHtml(0).

Please help me

10 years ago

I've found a solution to the problem.

The font files were not converted correctly. :-)

I use other converter and its work fine.

10 years ago

I try use simple html and css for test on localhost and om my comuter and its work fine.

you can see this :

but on nop-template not work :-(

10 years ago

nikola.dragiev wrote:

Can you send us link yo your website, so we can investigate your problem there, because the code you have sent us looks correct,

NIkola Dragiev


thanks for answer. but i run my website on localhost. not yet upload my site on server.

Is it possible that the problem is related to the run on localhost?

in this line :
font: normal 400 12px "Open Sans", sans-serif;
if I use any font from my font folder on windows directory it work fine.
but if font not was in windows font folder,and use font face not work :-(

10 years ago


I put all new fonts to "Themes\Motion\Content\font".

then add @font-face to styles.css ,for example :
@font-face {
    font-family: 'droid_arabic_naskhregular';
    src: url('../font/droid_naskh_regular-webfont.eot');
    src: url('../font/droid_naskh_regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
         url('../font/droid_naskh_regular-webfont.woff') format('woff'),
         url('../font/droid_naskh_regular-webfont.ttf') format('truetype'),
         url('../font/droid_naskh_regular-webfont.svg#droid_arabic_naskhregular') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

then add font-family to body:
    font-family: droid_arabic_naskhregular;
and edit this line :
    font: normal 400 12px "Open Sans", sans-serif;
to :
    font: normal 400 12px droid_arabic_naskhregular;

but not work :-(

notic : if in this line put local font work fine. but not work with font-face.

help me