
User posts

12 years ago

Thanks for your quick reply. I am a .net developer, so could you please be little elaborative so that I can work on it for my need and share it in the forum for public use.

12 years ago

Please help me modify the homepage in V2.5 like in

Previously using 1.4 I did it. But in 2.4 and above I am unable to do. Its very important that I need it that way. Please help me in doing this.

What I need:

Have multiple rows in homepage that displays, section wise products(books, mobiles etc), Best sellers, featured products etc with 6 products in each row with the product image, description, actual price, our price, starred review) In simple words same as in or

12 years ago

Also, the filters do not carry the electraonics theme combinations rather, it has the nop original colour combinations.

12 years ago

Hi I am facing couple of issues using NOP Electronics theme:

1. When I select the checkbox in the azax filters it is not being selected:

Example: In the site

select check box under processor or RAM or HDD it is not being selected and the system does not filter the products

2. In the Price Range filter, move the Price range filters so that no product falls in the range, system displays a blank pop-up and user is forced to go back using the browser button to continue in the website.


12 years ago

Multiple ideas - Header Menu, Sliders, Image builder, Category Search, reduce check out pages

Here are few suggestion to make the nop commerce themes more efficient, userfriendly and powerful:

Header Dropdown:

sample websites -

Make the Header Dropdown more featuristic, like the header dropdown should display Categories, subcategories, featured products, brands and it should be displayed in a finer box


sample websites -,

Allow user to navigate through multiple products by click of an arrow which displays the next set of products
Like a slider with arrows/next at the start and end of a row, and the row contains 5 images. Which means when I click the arrow icon the next 5 images are displayed.

This feature is very common across websites, example: (In the section Best Selling books, it has 2 arrows to view the next set of images) (In Explore Health and Beauty and Most Frequently Viewed sections, there are arrows at the top right corner, cliking it displays next set of images)

Category Search:

Provide a feature to search for products by category:

Sample websites = and

Allow multiple images for a product through sliders:

sample website -

Display an Enlarged image by moving the mouse over the image

Sample website -

By moving the mouse over the image an enlarged portion of the image appears.

Reduce number of pages for the checkout, add a page over, make the billin address and shipping address in one page etc

12 years ago

1. I did not find quick tabs with electronic theme. It would be great if you provide that as well.
Also please let me know how well the quick tabs works with electronics theme

2. In quick search, is the search limited to Product Names and does it search the product description as well.

3. Can you provide little customizaiton on request?

4. Please provide Image sliding feature for the products.

Eg: In the refer to the Best Selling books section, below the best selling books there is Arrows that allows the user to view next set of images. This would be a nice feature and most of the premium websites are using this

12 years ago

How does NOP-Quick tabs works with this. It would be great if you have included that 1 plug-in to this

12 years ago

Is there any plugin at nop that suit my needs

12 years ago

I checked your website but it is different from what I asked, may be I did not convey you that well. Here it is:

I need a slider with arrows/next at the start and end of a row, and the row contains 5 images. Which means when I click the arrow icon the next 5 images are displayed.

This feature is very common across websites, example: (In the section Best Selling books, it has 2 arrows to view the next set of images) (In Explore Health and Beauty and Most Frequently Viewed sections, there are arrows at the top right corner, cliking it displays next set of images)

12 years ago

I have couple of question about NOp Anywhere Sliders:

1. Using the Anywhere sliders in the website, will it have an impact on the performance of the site

2. I see image sliding in all leading websites like amazon, ofcourse even in nop-templates, which has arrow at the starting and end of the row with multiple images inbetween, will this sliders provide that option?

Example for clear understanding:
Please refer to, in the second row of images it has {Page 1 of 3} with arrows, clicking the arrows does display the next set of images. I want a similar function for me, does Nop Anywhere sliders suffice the need.