
Profile: Lance


User posts

one year ago

Update - Using nop 4.6.2

one year ago

I created a custom head style to hide the category product box "Add To Cart" button, but this had the unintended consequence of also hiding the Captcha and Login buttons, making it impossible to login to correct the issue.

Is there a way to selectively remove the offending head style?


5 years ago

We just upgraded from Traction to the Venture theme, and now the subcategories are appearing as text menu items in the center of their parent category page. I've looked around and can't find where/how to change the subcategories back to a grid of images.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

6 years ago

I'm trying to setup the Social Feed plugin with Facebook and Instagram and have found the instructions to be completely different from the respective Social media services setup processes. It would be very helpful if someone would update the instructions,as the process has become much more complex.

6 years ago

I'm adding product videos as attachments in the "productdetails_overview_top" widget zone and the image thumbnails appear extremely small when the products are viewed. I've tested multiple browser (Chrome, FireFox, Safari)and the issue remains the same,

We are running nopcommerce 3.9 with Nop Attachments 3.9.

6 years ago

I would like to palace a PDF file in a Quick Tab that will open in a new window when clicked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

6 years ago


Thank you for the quick response. I made the changes that you suggested and it did improve the search results for search terms that are contained in the product name.

I will contact nopCommerce directly to attempt to resolve the tag exact match issue.

6 years ago

Is it possible to change Instant Search to use a broad match so that it would return all results containing the search terms in any order and not necessarily together?

Also, I need this functionality to search in only the product name and tags only. As our product descriptions contain far to many shared terms.

For example:
Product Name or Tag contains "billet steel yoke"
Search term = "billet yoke"

Using broad match, Search would return the product with a match



Using instant search with a product tag returns the expected results. However, the results do not transfer/appear on the Search page results when "Enter" is hit or the Search symbol is clicked.

Is there a fix for this?

