
Profile: kaka135


User posts

9 years ago

Hi Deni,

This method works perfectly. Thank you for providing me such a smart advice.

Thanks again for your help.

Lee Ka

Deni wrote:


I came up with an idea how to achieve it:

You can call the All Shops action anywhere on the home page - open the Index.cshtml view and place this code, where you want to show the Store Locator functionality:
@Html.Action("AllShops", "StoreLocator", new { isStoreLocatorCalledFromHomePage = true })

Now, go to the AllShops.cshtml view and find this row:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsOne.cshtml";

Place this code right after it:
if (Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["isStoreLocatorCalledFromHomePage"] != null && bool.Parse(Url.RequestContext.RouteData.Values["isStoreLocatorCalledFromHomePage"].ToString()))
        Layout = "";

That is all !

9 years ago


Can you guide me how to add the similar codes/functions in the home page as well? I am getting the error I mentioned earlier if I copied the same codes over to the home page, but I'd like to keep the AllShops page as well.

I need this function urgently, so I might not be able to wait until the integration feature is developed.

Thank you very much.

Lee Ka

9 years ago

Hi Deni,

Thank you for your reply. At the moment, is there anyway we can add another map with search function in the home page on my own? Does it require a lot of coding change?

As I need to get this feature done as soon as possible, so I may not be able to wait for your team to develop it. Anyway, I'll still suggest it in User Voice Portal.


Lee Ka

Deni wrote:
Thank you very much, but can I have it both in the homepage and also a separate page for All Shops page?

The requirements of my project include:
1) Having the Google Map and search function in Home Page.
2) Having another page to search for the shops.

Thank you for your advice.

Lee Ka


Yes, I thought you would like to have both functionalities. Unfortunately, at the moment the plugin does not have integration on the home page. You can suggest it in our user voice portal. I think we can plan it for development soon. I am not sure about one thing - the search functionality on the home page - I think its place is not there - just the map with the shops on it. Anyway - suggest it in the User Voice so other users can vote for it.

9 years ago

Thank you very much, but can I have it both in the homepage and also a separate page for All Shops page?

The requirements of my project include:
1) Having the Google Map and search function in Home Page.
2) Having another page to search for the shops.

Thank you for your advice.

Lee Ka

9 years ago

Hi again,

Can I have the Google Map (with search) and Shop List in the home page? 

I have copied the codes in AllShops.cshtml to another controller, then added to the Home page, but I got the following error:

An exception of type 'System.Web.HttpException' occurred in System.Web.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'.

Is there anything I've missed out? 

Please advise. Thank you.

10 years ago

Thanks Deni,

One of the methods you suggested really help. 

For the second question - to always show the user current's location, I still couldn't get it work yet. Sorry, I am not too familiar with javascript. I put the below code that you shared inside the javascript 'StoreLocatorAllShops.js', in the document ready function, but it still doesn't work.


Can you please advise where I should put the code? Also, is it possible for me to hide the "Use My Current Location" link but still get it work?

Thank you in advanced.

Lee Ka

Deni wrote:
Hi Deni,

Sorry, I was looking at the admin demo and thought I need to do some setting. 
Thank you for the added feature, it's awesome.

Can you please guide me how I can make changes to achieve these:
1) Limit the search result to 3 nearest shops only.
2) Always use the user's current location.

Thank you in advanced.

Lee Ka


1. You can do this via CSS like this:

.shops-list li:nth-child(n+4) {
   display: none;

Also, you can suggest this in our User Voice portal to be included as a setting for future releases.

2. Since this is private information and the browsers always ask if you want to provide your location, we can not always use it without the permission of the user.

If you only want to skip the moment when the user needs to click on the "Use My Current Location" link, then you should place this JS code inside any JavaScript file:

$(document).ready(function () {

Hope this helps!

10 years ago

Hi Deni,

Sorry, I was looking at the admin demo and thought I need to do some setting. 
Thank you for the added feature, it's awesome.

Can you please guide me how I can make changes to achieve these:
1) Limit the search result to 3 nearest shops only.
2) Always use the user's current location.

Thank you in advanced.

Lee Ka

Deni wrote:


is the search feature included in the new version? I have downloaded and updated the plugin, but couldn't find the search feature. If it's included, can you please guide me how to use the search? Thank you.

Lee Ka


Yes, it is included and you can see it working on our demo. You do not need to do anything in order to enable it.

10 years ago

Deni wrote:
Thank you so much! Please let me know when you done :)


The changes are deployed and ready to download.


is the search feature included in the new version? I have downloaded and updated the plugin, but couldn't find the search feature. If it's included, can you please guide me how to use the search? Thank you.

Lee Ka

10 years ago

Boyko wrote:

Yes, you are right. That's what we need. We need to show 3 nearest shops according to the search keyword or current user location. 

Is it possible for your team to implement this function in the plugin? Will it be implemented very soon if possible?

Thank you.

This feature really makes sense and will be very useful.
Using the customer's location is also a good idea, so we will need to consider all possible options.
We could plan it for our next sprint after the holidays and a realistic release date would be around 10-15 January. But I will be able to provide more information after the holidays when the whole team is back in the office.

Hope this would work for you!

Hi Boyko,

How's the search feature going on? Is your team adding that feature and release the plugin very soon?

Please let me know about this.

Thank you.

Lee Ka

10 years ago

hristian.dimov wrote:

This feature really makes sense and will be very useful.
Using the customer's location is also a good idea, so we will need to consider all possible options.
We could plan it for our next sprint after the holidays and a realistic release date would be around 10-15 January. But I will be able to provide more information after the holidays when the whole team is back in the office.

Hope this would work for you!

I'd like to check with you, if I am buying the plugin now, will I be able to get the feature you added for the search later? It'd be good if I can purchase the plugin with the coupon code now.

Thank you.


with every purchase you get 1 year of free support and upgrades for the plugin / theme ( since the purchase date ). This means that every new feature within that year will be included and available for download.

Hope this helps!

Thank you. I'm really happy to hear this. :)
Happy new year to you and your team!