
Profile: bizsoft


User posts

9 years ago

Another thing I have noticed. The Pre-order button is showing up in the Catalog view, but in the Product Detail View it is not showing up.

Catalog view:
Filter on Collection, Painting Flowers.. 1 product is shown

Click on it to go into Product Details, no Pre Order button.

This is essential for us.


9 years ago


I have looked at this further and found the following:
1) I have one product where the Add To Cart is not visible:
2) On all others, when out of stock they are showing:

I have looked into the setup of the product and they are the same ??


9 years ago


I have disabled Ajax Cart and the Add to Cart is still showing.


9 years ago

I am using this theme and have set up No Backorders & disable Buy Button on low stock. However, when we have an item out of stock, the add to cart is still displayed.

Am I missing something?
