
Profile: nonam


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9 years ago

OK. That's also what I had thought. This was the first place I actually requested this feature and I was referred back to you.

See the following post:

Posted: January 07, 2016 at 5:12 PM QUOTE #159031
Is there any way at all to disable the picture icon in the vendor home page?  I have created vendors but it seems that I absolutely need to add a picture for my vendors, which I am not really interested of doing. I have tried to look at the vendor details page for checkmark or under vendor settings but could not find anything. 

Am using Nop 3.7 with ArtFactory

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Joined: 11/25/2013
Location: Bangladesh
Posted: January 09, 2016 at 4:45 AM QUOTE #159295
No. There is no Admin setting for vendor picture enable/disable. You can talk with ArtFactory theme team. If you want to try yourself then goto Vendor.cshtml file into ArtFactory theme Product folder.And then comment out the picture section.
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9 years ago

Forgot to mention that I am actually using version 3.70.

9 years ago

I have been trying to find a way to add additional topics to the Mega Menu in ArtFactory, other than having to select the existing one in the topics pages. In looking at the Forum, it seems to guide us to the MegaMenu.cshtml but... cannot find this file in my folders from ArtFactory. So, am not sure where to look.

Thanks for your help!

9 years ago

It would be nice to be able to have a "enable" or "disable" option for the picture associated with the vendor page. Although the web site uses pictures for products and categories, it's not always necessary to have vendor pictures. Something to think about. 

That's wonderful. I'll update. Thanks!

Hello Nop-Templates team!

First... thanks for this great update to 3.70. Great work! I am still testing a few things out. Love the fact that you've created an option for us to be able to choose our own theme colour. Wonderful!

Regarding the Nop-Templates link in the footer, I do have a question and am not sure how to articulate it. The way the link is written, seems to indicate that Nop-Templates has designed everything on the site... which in fact, is not quite the case. I absolutely do not mind about giving you credit for the great work that you have done, but I also don't want to leave the impression that my own work (logo, banner, etc.) was also designed by your team. Being a graphic designer myself, I am more sensitive to those things. 

Is there not a way to simply add Nop-Templates to the following?: "powered by nopcommerce and nop-templates". Just wondering. Thanks!

Wonderful. No problem at all. I just wanted to confirm if I had to update my themese with the new version. Have a great day!


Am downloading the new update from NopCommerce and am looking for any new update for the ArtFactory theme to match with it. Please confirm if there are any changes. 


Manon :)

9 years ago

Thanks for your reply. I do understand. I guess I am just trying to find a way to insert an event management component to my site. Oh well!

9 years ago

Hello:  In some of my categories, I would like to display the product in list, rather than in grid with a picture. Because the application does not have the ability to manage Events, I am using the Products and Categories to manage this.

As an example: Under my Category "Craft Shows", I have 3 products with a picture (one for each Craft Show". These are displayed with their respective picture, in Grid format. But I would also like to add another product "Exhibitors" without having a picture. The problem is that the template or application forces me to add a picture since otherwise it shows on website with a picture frame indicating that there is no picture for that product. Is it possible to simply have an option allowing either a title only OR a picture for the products?

In the Nop ArtFactory Team page from the admin menu, I can only select one option in the view mode: by "Grid" or by "List". Is there any way we can set it up so that it's a combination of the two like this: by "Grid or List", which I thought was available in version 3.5.
