<span title="Topics">Topics</span>
<div class="sublist-wrap">
<ul class="sublist">
@foreach (var topic in Model.Topics)
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new {SeName = topic.SeName})" title="@topic.Name">@topic.Name</a></li>
I'm trying to use the special price option for products, I assume that the field Special Price of a product is meant. What I try , I can't seems to get it working.
If I set Has Special Price - Equal to - True. All my products are ribbonned, if I set ot to False no ribbons are set.
The special price is valid from 1/2/2015 until 3/31/2015
Regards, Machiel Broekman
Hi, I'm using the code you left as comment in the MegaMenu.cshtml for creating a dropdown for the Topics but the dropdown is not working, the menu items are visible and clickable all the time.
The code I use is
<span title="Topics">Onderwerpen</span>
<ul class="sublist">
@foreach (var topic in Model.Topics)
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new {SeName = topic.SeName})" title="@topic.Name">@topic.Name</a></li>
I'm not a css guru :-) and can't seem to find the problem.
Regards, Machiel Broekman
Is it possible to access more fields from the instantSearchModel. I would be logic to have access to the SKU field beacuse this is a unique reference to a product.
Regards, Machiel Broekman
I'm working with the theme for a customer and i'm trying to adapt the InstantSearch.cshtml. Now I see a strange value in the model, the model takes as standard theme the 'default clean' and not the theme that is selected. Is that on purpose ?
Regards, Machiel Broekman
ISES Softpack
Thank you for the support :-)
Machiel Broekman
Mail is send.
regards, Machiel