and this is the code regarding the rating.
Ron Palmer - thank you very much for sharing your code.
in the nopQuickTabs plugin folder navigate to the themes, select the theme you are using, then go to views > ProductTab> _ProductReviews.cshtml
Create a variable "int ReviewCount = Model.Items.Count;" under "int ratingPercent = review.Rating * 20;"
and then under <div style="width: @(ratingPercent)%"></div> add the following code.
@*hidden microdata info*@
decimal ratingValue = ratingPercent / (decimal)20;
<meta itemprop="ratingValue" style="display:none;" content="@ratingValue.ToString("0.0", new CultureInfo("en-US"))">
<span itemprop="reviewCount" style="display:none;">@ReviewCount</span>