
Profile: joster


User posts

Thank you!


I've been working on upgrading our 4.0 site to 4.2. I had many custom styles that I had to figure out where to put in the 4.20 stylesheets, and it was a lot of work to get it looking similar to the site we had before. Now, my boss wants to upgrade to 4.3 before I even launched the 4.20 site.  :-(

I am really hoping there haven't been been many changes between 4.20 and 4.30...

How much work am I looking at?


Are the "discounts" applied to items using this plugin actual "discounts" that will be stored in the OrderDiscount column of the Order database table, or does the plugin just modify the price of the item, on-the-fly, based on the preset conditions?

We need to be able to easily query the total amount of discounts given each week/month, so I'm hoping the "difference between the normal price and displayed price" is at least stored in the OrderDiscount column...


6 years ago


I am using the short description field to store the phone number for each of my locations, and I have modified the shop.cshtml to display the short description value just below the location title.

I want to link the number with a tel hyperlink so that mobile device users can click the number to bring up the dial pad....

<a href="tel:@Html.Raw(Model.ShortDescription)">@Html.Raw(Model.ShortDescription)</a>

..but when the values I have stored in the database are formatted like this:
(123) 456-7890
The user touches the number on his device and the parentheses, space, and hyphen are converted to "7", so the number is not correct to dial...

So I changed my stored values to have only digits, like: 1234567890
But it looks bad to visitors...

So I wrote this code on my Shop.cshtml to format the value for the visitor to better understand:

string thephone="";
[email protected](Model.ShortDescription);

<span style="position:relative;left:20px;top:5px;text-align:left;font-size:22px;font-weight:bold;color:green;">
<a href="tel:@string.Format("{0: (###) ###-####}",@thephone)">@Html.Raw(Model.ShortDescription)</a></span>

But I always get an error:
h:\root\home\myaccount\www\nopSite\Plugins\SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.StoreLocator\Views\StoreLocator\Shop.cshtml(41): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Web.IHtmlString' to 'string'

I tried other variations, but it's always the same error. I really am just guessing...

The solution does not have to be in C# MVC....I think maybe just a jQuery or Javascript can do it because I only want to affect the output to the screen..not form input..but I don't know.

Can somebody please help me?

7 years ago

joster wrote:

I suggested this on the nopCommerce forums about 15 months ago and it seemed like it would be added:

...but this past October, Andrei said they decided against it:

PLEASE consider adding this functionality to your Rich Blog plugin.

Thank you.

7 years ago


I suggested this on the nopCommerce forums about 15 months ago and it seemed like it would be added:

...but this past October, Andrei said they decided against it:

PLEASE consider adding this functionality to your Rich Blog plugin.

Thank you.

ZornitsaIvanova wrote:
Hello joster,
The right-column layout is by design.
If you insist on having it at left go at the theme settings in the administration and there you will found section named 'Custom Head Styles'. Paste the following there:

.blog-pages-body .side-2 {
    float: left;
.blog-pages-body .center-2 {
    float: right;

Hope that will help


I tried as you suggested, but nothing changes on my site.
I added the styles to my theme/customer head styles and no change...
I added the styles directly to the styles.css after the other blog styles and no change...

Finally, I tried adding them to the end of the /plugins/sevenspikes.nop.plugins.richblog/themes/uptown/richblog.css file...

This worked.

7 years ago

Nevermind...problem solved.

I gave the chat badge a class and added this class to my 980.css:

.header-selectors-wrapper .chatbadgedesktop {
  position: relative;

7 years ago

I figured out how to hide it behind the Gear putting the chat DIV inside the header-selectors-wrapper DIV.
However...this makes the chat image appear in the wrong position on desktops...
The chat image looks best on desktops when I put its DIV after the search-box store-search-box DIV.

Is my only option to leave it in the header-selectors-wrapper DIV and use absolute positioning in the 980.css to position the chat badge correctly?
Or is there another option?

7 years ago


We've recently purchased the Uptown theme and I'm using it to develop our new website (3.90).
On our site, we only have one currency and one language, so in mobile devices, the "gear" icon has no use. our header, we have a LIVE CHAT badge appearing. This is good for Desktops, but it takes up too much space on mobile devices.
So, we want to hide it "inside" the gear icon.

How would I do this?
Where do I need to put my chat badge DIV in order for it to be hidden behind the gear icon for mobile devices?

Also, would it be possible to insert links to other pages inside the same "gear icon" div?Please explain.

Thank you!