Hi ;
I wantto modify .cshtml file of InstantSearch in otrder to add category names to dropdown list.
What I want to do is;
when you search for keyword book;
Iwant to list in doropdown
-Lord of the Rings
-books (category name)
When user clicks books I want to redirect to books category.
Is it possible?
If We have the InstantSearchModel fileds list maybe I can add category manualy.
Ok .Now it make sense.. Thank you for help.
From Administration panel, I have selected
"left_side_column_after_category_navigation" widget zone for Ajax filters.
I checked it exists in Plugins/Ajaxfilter/SupportedWidgetZones.xml file
I use columtwo. layout. and left_side_column_after_category_navigation widget also exists in
Themes\Nitro\Views\Shared\_ColumnsTwo.cshtml file
one more thing, it shows panels in catagory pages without any problem.
On Search results page ajax filter enabled.
But it doesnot renders.
You can inspect problem on my test web site:
Is this property added to Jcrousel?
Hi I have installed Netro theme but fonts are seen as Times new Roman.
Where should I check?