
Profile: ronenl


User posts

8 years ago

Do you have a fix on recaptcha ver 2.0 in order to validate in quicktab contact us? 

9 years ago

Having problem with the advanced search - which is as described always true specially when searching hebrew language.
 the encodeURIComponent translate the hebrew search term into somthing like this %u05db%u05d9%u05e1%u05d5%u05d9&
 and also gives the following error
 filterSearch?adv=false&cid=0&q=%u05db%u05d9%u05e1%u05d5%u05d9&sid=False&isc=false:170 Uncaught TypeError: 
eventhough my advanced search is set to false - it still open the advance search checkboxes and the toggleadvanced search script in search.chtml is not working.
what should I do to fix this ?