
Profile: Juson


User posts

8 years ago


I want to put custom links in All Categories(two-columns-area-left) of Pavilion Theme.

Now when I make a custom link in Megamenu, it is only placed on top menu.

Is there any way to do it?



8 years ago


I've updated to 3.8, and get a problem.

In the shopping cart, I cannot remove any products. There's no update button, only remove check boxes.

Is there another way I can remove products?

little bit urgent. thanks.


            @if (Model.IsEditable)
                <div class="common-buttons">
                    <input type="submit" name="updatecart" value="@T("ShoppingCart.UpdateCart")" class="button-2 update-cart-button" />
                    <input type="submit" name="continueshopping" value="@T("ShoppingCart.ContinueShopping")" class="button-2 continue-shopping-button" />

was removed in 3.8.

Is there any reason you remove those lines?

8 years ago

Boyko wrote:

I want to use ACL to custom menus.

What kind of line should I add?


Hi Juson,

I don't think you need to do anything extra as we check the ACL of each category so if the customer that is in Role A is browsing the site then it will not see the categories that are not visible for Role A.

I hope this makes sense!

And there's another problem.

I'm using 3.8 version, new UI of megamenu.

I added a category, ACL only for premium member on mega menu.

But guests can see the category on mega menu.

I know guests click it, redirect to error page, but I want guests not to even see the category name, perfectly hide.

Any advice?


8 years ago

Boyko wrote:

I want to use ACL to custom menus.

What kind of line should I add?


Hi Juson,

I don't think you need to do anything extra as we check the ACL of each category so if the customer that is in Role A is browsing the site then it will not see the categories that are not visible for Role A.

I hope this makes sense!

Thanks for the response Boyko.

Actually those subs are not categories, but http links. I think I cannot set ACL for links in admin menu.

Could you give me any advice?

8 years ago


I want to use ACL to custom menus.

For example, I added 2 of customer roles, A and B.

For A, I want to show only A category, not B.

For B, I want to show only B category, not A.

Below is the code I have.

//For A
            <span title="A">A</span>
            <div class="plus-button"></div>
            <div class="sublist-wrap">
                <ul class="sublist">
                    <li class="back-button">
                        <a href="a" title="a">a</a>
                        <a href="b" title="b">b</a>
                        <a href="c" title="c">c</a>

//For B
            <span title="B">B</span>
            <div class="plus-button"></div>
            <div class="sublist-wrap">
                <ul class="sublist">
                    <li class="back-button">
                        <a href="1" title="1">1</a>
                        <a href="2" title="2">2</a>
                        <a href="3" title="3">3</a>

What kind of line should I add?


8 years ago

iliyan.tanev wrote:

The View that you should be modifying is Views/Blog/BlogPost.cshtml. If the changes are not visible in the public area, after editing this view, maybe you are using a theme that overrides the blog post view. In this case, you should find the view in the theme and do your changes there.

Are you using one of our themes? 

Yes. I'm using Brooklyn Theme. At the time I bought it, I couldn't find yyyy/mm/dd for blogpost date format.

I updated to the latest version, I get it. Successfully modified.


8 years ago


I added a search bar on the body part of main page.

Just after I added, instant search had been not working. But I tried something(I don't remember), I saw it was working. Then I wanted to arrange the website, made the search bar again, instant search has not been working until now. Not install or setting problem, it works on original search bar.

I want to know what the problem is.

Plus, I hope to add the new search bar per multi-store. I added the code

<li class=home-search-box>
    <center>@Html.Action("SearchBox", "Catalog")</center>

at Themes\Brooklyn\Views\Catalog\HomepageCategories.cshtml, it appears on all of my multi-store. It is not a plug-in, so I cannot use 'store' menu. Any advice?

This is my website.

Thanks & Regards


8 years ago

Deni wrote:

I want to change date order, from day/month/year to year/month/day.

I've got homepage rich blog date changed by modifying richblog.cshtml, but not blog post page.

<div class="page-body">
        <div class="post-date">

I think above is the source code of blog post page, but I don't get what this means.

What should I do? Could you help? Thanks.




Yes, this is the code showing the date. Just edit the row like this:


I hope this helped !

I've tried already, but it doesn't work. I don't know which part of code affects to blog post page date.

8 years ago

iliyan.tanev wrote:

Thank you for the feedback!

It was fixed a month ago. You should update your plugin to the latest version.

Hi, iliyan.

I'll check it. Thanks.

Could you give me an advice for the first topic?

8 years ago

And I found something.


<div class="block">
    <div class="title">
    <div class="listbox">
        <ul class="list">
            @foreach (var category in Model)
                <li class="category">
                    <a href="@Url.RouteUrl("BlogByCategory", new {SeName = category.SEName })">@category.Name</a> (@category.NumberOfBlogPosts)

The last line should be 

<a href="@Url.RouteUrl("BlogByCategory", new {SeName = category.SEName })">@category.Name (@category.NumberOfBlogPosts)</a>

The number of blog posts is on the next line if it is out of <a> tag.

I'm not used to programming word, but I'm sure you understand.
