I want to put custom links in All Categories(two-columns-area-left) of Pavilion Theme.
Now when I make a custom link in Megamenu, it is only placed on top menu.
Is there any way to do it?
I've updated to 3.8, and get a problem.
In the shopping cart, I cannot remove any products. There's no update button, only remove check boxes.
Is there another way I can remove products?
little bit urgent. thanks.
@if (Model.IsEditable)
<div class="common-buttons">
<input type="submit" name="updatecart" value="@T("ShoppingCart.UpdateCart")" class="button-2 update-cart-button" />
<input type="submit" name="continueshopping" value="@T("ShoppingCart.ContinueShopping")" class="button-2 continue-shopping-button" />
was removed in 3.8.
Is there any reason you remove those lines?
I want to use ACL to custom menus.
For example, I added 2 of customer roles, A and B.
For A, I want to show only A category, not B.
For B, I want to show only B category, not A.
Below is the code I have.
//For A
<span title="A">A</span>
<div class="plus-button"></div>
<div class="sublist-wrap">
<ul class="sublist">
<li class="back-button">
<a href="a" title="a">a</a>
<a href="b" title="b">b</a>
<a href="c" title="c">c</a>
//For B
<span title="B">B</span>
<div class="plus-button"></div>
<div class="sublist-wrap">
<ul class="sublist">
<li class="back-button">
<a href="1" title="1">1</a>
<a href="2" title="2">2</a>
<a href="3" title="3">3</a>
What kind of line should I add?
I added a search bar on the body part of main page.
Just after I added, instant search had been not working. But I tried something(I don't remember), I saw it was working. Then I wanted to arrange the website, made the search bar again, instant search has not been working until now. Not install or setting problem, it works on original search bar.
I want to know what the problem is.
Plus, I hope to add the new search bar per multi-store. I added the code
<li class=home-search-box>
<center>@Html.Action("SearchBox", "Catalog")</center>
at Themes\Brooklyn\Views\Catalog\HomepageCategories.cshtml, it appears on all of my multi-store. It is not a plug-in, so I cannot use 'store' menu. Any advice?
This is my website.
Thanks & Regards
And I found something.
<div class="block">
<div class="title">
<div class="listbox">
<ul class="list">
@foreach (var category in Model)
<li class="category">
<a href="@Url.RouteUrl("BlogByCategory", new {SeName = category.SEName })">@category.Name</a> (@category.NumberOfBlogPosts)
The last line should be
<a href="@Url.RouteUrl("BlogByCategory", new {SeName = category.SEName })">@category.Name (@category.NumberOfBlogPosts)</a>
The number of blog posts is on the next line if it is out of <a> tag.
I'm not used to programming word, but I'm sure you understand.