
Profile: anton_ivanov


User posts

7 years ago


Yes, it is possible. These are displayed on the home page by using the Smart Product Collections Plugin.
You can go to Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Smart Product Collections -> Category Product Collections and add the categories you would like to show on the home page.

Hope that helps!

7 years ago


You cannot do that from the administration. You will need to do some code customizations.

You can create a new widget zone where your Mega Menu will be displayed. Or you can move either the "content_before" or the "theme_header_menu" depending on whether you are using default clean or one of our themes.

Firstly, you will need to create a new widget zone for the Mega Menu. You will have to edit the ~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.MegaMenu/SupportedWidgetZones.xml file and add a new line. The new line should be the name of the widget zone you want to create. Lets say you name it "new-widget-zone".

After that you will need to put the following line of code wherever you want your Mega Menu to be displayed:


You will also need to edit your menu at Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Mega Menu -> Manage Menus -> Edit your Menu and change the widget zone to your newly created one. Note that you will have to restart your store before you do that, otherwise you will not be able to see your new widget zone in the widget zone dropdown selector in the administration of the Mega Menu plugin.

Alternativly you can move your "content_before" widget zone. It is located in ~/Views/Shared/_Root.cshtml file on line 19 :


You can move it to wherever you desire.

Note: This method is not recommended  because moving the content_before widget zone will move all your other widgets displaying in that zone.

Hope that helps!

7 years ago


You will not be able to see the pavilion theme settings if you haven't installed the Pavilion Theme Plugin.
If you have installed the plugin the path that you are trying to find should be something like this:
1. Go to the administration of your store
2. On the side menu on the left, you should see a menu item that is called Nop-Templates. Click on it.
3. The Menu item should expand and you should see it sub items. Click on the one called "Themes".
4. Again the menu item should expand and you should see its sub items. Click on the one called "Nop Pavilion Theme".  The menu item will expand one more time and you should click on the menu item called "Settings".

Hope that was helpful!

7 years ago


You can create two types of collections with the Smart Product Collections - Category Product Collections and Custom Product Collections.

You can add new tabs to the already existing category product collections by following these steps:
1. Go to Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> Smart Product Collections -> Category Product Collections
2. Editing your existing category product collections by clicking the pen icon on the collection. A new box will show. That is the Tab Builder box for the category collection you chose to edit.
3. Clicking the "Add new" button that is located after the tabs already created, on the tab bar.

You can add new tabs to the already existing custom product collections by following these steps:
1. Go to Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Smart Product Collections -> Custom Product Collections
2. Add new collections by clicking the "Add new" button or edit an existing one.
3. The Tab Builder box here is the same as the one in the Category Product Collection with the exception that you can also create a custom Source Type here for your collection.

Also, please check our Documentation for more information on the Smart Product Collections.

Hope that was helpful!

7 years ago


The Best Sellers on the product details page are shown using the Nop JCarousel plugin. You will need to create a new Carousel from Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Plugins -> JCarousel -> Manage JCarousel. You will have to choose your Data source type setting to be "Best Sellers Products" and your Widget Zone to be "productdetails_bottom". Every other setting is up to you and you should adjust them to your likings.

Hope that helps!

7 years ago


That is a great idea.
You can suggest ideas like this one over at our UserVoice. We implement the best and most voted ideas from our UserVoice so our customers can have the functionalities they desire.


The Ajax Filters will show specification attributes (that are allowed to be filtered) and product attributes for the products that are currently on the category details page. Please make sure you have any specification attributes and product attributes for the products showing on that category.


Well, when mapping a specification attribute to a product you have two settings that define the behavior of that specification attribute for that product. Those are
Allow Filtering - If this is unchecked the specification will not show in the ajax filters and you will not be able to filter this product by this specification.
Show on products page - If checked the specification will be shown on the product page.

You can use Product Attributes to filter products with the Ajax Filters. However, product attributes are usually used to describe a product, and are used when buying one (e.g. color of a shirt, size of shoe, etc.) while the specification attributes are used to give information for that product (is it free return, how long is the warranty, etc). That is why I suggested you use specification attributes.

Hope this answers your questions!


Unfortunately, the Nop Ajax Filters do not support filtration per category.
You can work around this problem, though.
You can use specification attributes to allow your products to be filtered and grouped.
e.g. Creating a specification attribute named "Category 1" and mapping it to all the products that are from "Category 1" should do the trick.
Note: While mapping the specification attribute to the products you should check "Allow Filtering" and uncheck "Show on products page".

Hope my suggestion was of any use to you!

7 years ago


There is no setting for limiting this subcategory list. However, you can use CSS code to do that.
You should go to Administration -> Nop-Templates -> Themes -> Pavilion and add the following code in Custom Head Styles:

.category-grid .item-grid .item-box .sub-category-details .sub-category-sublist  li:nth-child(n+2){

This will only show one subcategory. If you want to show 3 for example you will have to change the "li:nth-child(n+2)" to "li:nth-child(n+4)".

Hope that helps!