
Profile: shoecake


User posts

Search by SKU
8 years ago


Search by SKU
8 years ago

Amendment to my question, I have realised that it will search by sku, but my issue is a little more complex. Most of my products are setup as grouped products.

i.e. I have 2 variations of a product which are setup as separate products which are hidden. There is a grouped product also setup which is the one shown to the customer with the 2 hidden  products associated to it.

see as an example.

the grouped product has an sku of KAS-0470-GRP which works,but I also need it to work with skus of KAS-0470 and KAS-0470-K

Search by SKU
8 years ago

I am using the pavilion theme, how can I setup the search bar in the page header and the search page to allow searching by SKU?