

13 years ago
#14 Quote
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Here you send us your feedback on any problems related to Nop Smart SEO plugin.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a known issues with installing new plugins in nopCommerce. Please read this post for more information how to resolve it.
10 years ago
#8779 Quote
  • 34
I'm having an issue with Smart SEO on Nop 3.40, I have 1 single global template Enabled, and yet the "Product Description SEO Template :" is not populating correctly, I have "Do Not Override Default Product Meta Data:" CHECKED
I have products with BLANK Meta Description "in nop db" that is still populating from the product short description "in nop db"
even though I have: "buy ${name} online for ${price}" in  "Product Description SEO Template :"

Please help 
10 years ago
#8780 Quote
  • 34
In short: your SMART SEO is checking for Product.shortdescription instead of checking meta description
If product.shortdicription is blank it aplies the (Product Description SEO Template) rule, where is should be checking if the Meta Description is blank instead.

10 years ago
#8781 Quote
  • 34

I apologize, there is no issue with your Nop Smart SEO, I had to UnCHECK "Generate product META description" from nop admin under General > SEO settings.

Thank you and keep up the good work.  
8 years ago
#12337 Quote
  • 18
maybe a bug ? when you set 'Append Product Names to ...' and you browse a manufacturer/category with many pages the keywords are always that of the first page. I think it's better  to have in each page the keywords for the products presents in it.
8 years ago
#12339 Quote
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nopnopgogo! wrote:
maybe a bug ? when you set 'Append Product Names to ...' and you browse a manufacturer/category with many pages the keywords are always that of the first page. I think it's better  to have in each page the keywords for the products presents in it.


Please explain further what exactly is your setup and what behaviour do you expect.

Thanks for your feedback !
Best Regards,
Mladen Staykov
8 years ago
#12389 Quote
  • 18
Ok, I'll give you an example of this behavior.
If you look the source from this category page (SmartSEO is active with 'Append product names to keywords for category pages' on)  you'll see the keywords with the name of the products on the page: ok right. Now go to the second page (or click and look at the keywords of this page: you'll see the same keywords of the first page, not the name of the products on the second page. And so on. Thank you.  
8 years ago
#12424 Quote
  • 1570
nopnopgogo! wrote:
Ok, I'll give you an example of this behavior.
If you look the source from this category page (SmartSEO is active with 'Append product names to keywords for category pages' on)  you'll see the keywords with the name of the products on the page: ok right. Now go to the second page (or click and look at the keywords of this page: you'll see the same keywords of the first page, not the name of the products on the second page. And so on. Thank you.  

Hi nopnopgogo!,

Sorry for the late reply!

Please note that you have the Ajax Filters enabled and the second page is open via Ajax, which means that the page is not refreshed and you are basically on the same page but only the products are different. Please note that the search engines simply ignore anything that is after the # tag in the URL.
So the SEO Meta Data would change only after you go to the second page without Ajax i.e
Actually there was a caching issue and the Meta Data was cached the first time you visit a category for example and it wouldn't change if you visit the other pages. We fixed this issue and now each page shows the correct Meta Data. You can update the plugin as explained here.
Regards, Team