
Intergration to NopCommerce Source Code

12 years ago
#886 Quote
  • 1
Dear Sir / Madam

I have just purchased the Nop Ajax Cart, I have succesfully installed on the the deployable file but I was wondering if it was possble to instal within the orignal source code provided by NopCommerce as I will need to make design changes in the css.

Hope this makes sense

Kind regards

12 years ago
#887 Quote
  • 1570
119kings wrote:
Dear Sir / Madam

I have just purchased the Nop Ajax Cart, I have succesfully installed on the the deployable file but I was wondering if it was possble to instal within the orignal source code provided by NopCommerce as I will need to make design changes in the css.

Hope this makes sense

Kind regards


Hi Richard,

We already sent you an email but will write this here, so that the other guys can read it.

When working with the nopCommerce sources, the best way to work with our plugins is to add them in the Plugins folder of your Nop.Web project.
Then you can make all your changes there.
When you are done and ready for deployment you can run Deploy.bat and simply
copy the SevenSpikes folders into the deployable Plugins folder.

This is not ideal but it is much simpler than having the sources in the
actual Plugins folder.
As if you add the SevenSpikes plugins into the root Plugins folder where are all other
plugin projects then you will have to make changes in the msbuild to
copy them into the Presentation\Nop.Web\Plugins folder every time you make any changes , which can slow you down. Also you will have to make changes in Deploy.bat to work properly and copy the SevenSpikes plugin folders.

Hope this information is useful!

We will be glad if other plugin users can share any other best practices. We really like to make our plugins really easy to use during development, so any suggestions are welcome and greatly appreciated!

Best Regards
Regards, Team
12 years ago
#914 Quote
  • 104
Hi support !!

I almost finish my integration and I have some small problems with the 2.60 documentation. Maybe I didn't look at the right place, but in the Electronic Theme  View folder I can find where to add or change the code for manual integration. The print screen are not like the code.

Please advise where I can put the code to manualy integrate the plugin .

Continue your good work

Best Regards

12 years ago
#915 Quote
  • 104
Oups... i find out.. My plugins where not enabled in the theme.. I wasn't there yest in my reading..

sorry guys
