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Can you clarify a few points about the license?
The "basic" version is called Single Domain License.
It seems clear to me that if I want to use the theme on myabcwebsite.com I should provide that URL and make the purchase.
But how will I be able to perform tests on other platforms first? For example: myabctestwebsite.com or localhost?
Concerning the Multiple Domains License version I guess that means I could use the theme freely for different web sites : myabcwebsite.com, mydefwebsite.com, myghiwebsite.com, ...
So why should I provide an URL? Is this the first website only?
What does the chekbox "Theme installation on your website" mean? What can I get with it? At what cost?
Best regards,
Can you clarify a few points about the license?
The "basic" version is called Single Domain License.
It seems clear to me that if I want to use the theme on myabcwebsite.com I should provide that URL and make the purchase.
But how will I be able to perform tests on other platforms first? For example: myabctestwebsite.com or localhost?
Concerning the Multiple Domains License version I guess that means I could use the theme freely for different web sites : myabcwebsite.com, mydefwebsite.com, myghiwebsite.com, ...
So why should I provide an URL? Is this the first website only?
What does the chekbox "Theme installation on your website" mean? What can I get with it? At what cost?
Best regards,