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Hi, some of our product images (both grouped and simple) are small - but the image displayed is so huge and its surrounded by white space - that you can't even see the content (text, price etc) below - some users will assume that is it and not realise you have to scroll down.
What's the best place (presume in CSS) to resize these product image areas? It would be ideal to just have an automatic sizing of course, so that huge whitespace is not included - these images do not have whitspace in them, it is purely generated by the template. However, if not poss, a manual resize is needed!
I'm not using the cloud zoom, just straight Motion theme, although when i did use it, it did not seem to resolve the issue.
TIA, Phil.
What's the best place (presume in CSS) to resize these product image areas? It would be ideal to just have an automatic sizing of course, so that huge whitespace is not included - these images do not have whitspace in them, it is purely generated by the template. However, if not poss, a manual resize is needed!
I'm not using the cloud zoom, just straight Motion theme, although when i did use it, it did not seem to resolve the issue.
TIA, Phil.