

6 years ago
#14411 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 386
EamonnEgan2 wrote:
Hi Dave,

At the moment this is not possible. The filters work only on categories and immediate subcategories.

We would consider enhancing the filters to work for more than two levels of categories for the next version. However right now we have two really strong arguments against this:

1. We believe that more than two level of categories for an e-commerce website is not very user friendly and most e-shops try to avoid this. In fact you will rarely see such an organization. However in your case you have your top most category hidden. So I am wondering why this is?

2. The performance implications of having all the products from a category tree to be filtered are enormous. So if we are to implement this it would really have to be well thought of and worth the effort.

Our shop has more than 2 level categories and we are currently using version 3.4. In your ajax filter plugin, it is not showing properly if category levels are more than 2. Like in our shop we have a category like White wine >> Chardonnay & Blends >> Chardonnay. All products are mapped with Chardonnay. When we browse White wine ajax filters are not available. Can you please explain why this is happening?


We answered you on the ticket. Most probably you haven't enabled the "catalogsettings.showproductsfromsubcategories" setting and this is why you don't see the filters in the parent categories.

Hope this helps!
Hristian Dimov
6 years ago
#14678 Quote
  • 1

Excellent plugin I love it. One little thing though, our site has a large number of products. When you click the check box the ajax request is sent straight away, however I would like to add a delay so the ajax request is not sent right away.

I posted this in more detail on stack overflow. Thanks :)
6 years ago
#14955 Quote
  • 3
Hi, I posted on another section but thought I moved it here since its specific to this plugin. We are currently running this plugin on a 4.0 site but we are having a bug that we can't quite figure out. The problem occurs when deselecting specific filters, or hitting the clear all button. This will cause the filters to "clear" but now some of the selections seem to be grayed out and unable to be selected. I've narrowed it down to a particular query string in the url causing this behavior - /pageSize=20&orderBy=0&pageNumber=1, which causes the missing filters.

However, it seems to only occur for some people and in my specific case, it was producing the error but has since seem to somehow resolve itself and now I can no longer get it to break no matter what I do. We've tried numerous browsers and versions and cannot narrow it down.

The url of the site is

The only customization we have is a custom product template that has some extra information, and some styling work that did not touch any of the classes/etc.
5 years ago
#15065 Quote
  • 3
Hey all, I found some interesting behavior on the ajax filters, it seems when I am filtering by a single category, it will filter the others, but then if I select one of the items from the other categories (so that there are now 2 selected), it seems to enable others to be selected in the category that were not previously enabled. It almost seems like that filters are doing an OR filter instead of an AND filter and that's what's driving what options are available. Is this working as intended?
5 years ago
#15072 Quote
  • 1570
christopherho wrote:
Hey all, I found some interesting behavior on the ajax filters, it seems when I am filtering by a single category, it will filter the others, but then if I select one of the items from the other categories (so that there are now 2 selected), it seems to enable others to be selected in the category that were not previously enabled. It almost seems like that filters are doing an OR filter instead of an AND filter and that's what's driving what options are available. Is this working as intended?

Hi christopherho,

Since the Ajax Filters do not support category filters, I am a bit confused by what you have written.
Could you please elaborate on this "when I am filtering by a single category, it will filter the others"?

If you are referring to selecting filter options from the same filter group then you are right as they work with OR and not AND. We use AND only between options from different filter groups.
Regards, Team
5 years ago
#15650 Quote
  • 79
I'm attempting to update a 4.0 site to the latest version of jQuery for PCI compliance.  I worked out all the kinks with the core site, however we have Ajax Filters running on the category pages.  When enabling filters, I got a javascript error that said "Unexpected end of JSON input at JSON.parse" on the following line...

d = e.parseJSON(c), r.refreshVendorFilters(d, r.filtersUIMode),  

This was due to c being blank.  I added a simple blank check to the parse() and that stopped the error from occurring.  However, the filter simply doesn't work now.  No javascript errors, but when I enable a filter, the main content section begins to update, but then stops and the filter default back to unchecked.  

I'm not able to submit a ticket for this issue, but if anyone could please advise me, it would be greatly appreciated.

Nop 3.7 - ArtFactory
Nop 4.0 - Lavella, Venture, Smart, ArtFactory
5 years ago
#15652 Quote
  • 283

In Filters.min.js before parsing JSON you should check if the parsed variable has a value like you have done it.

Also, you should replace .attr('selected') and .attr('checked') with .is(':selected') and is(':checked').

I saw in the history we also have updated the jquery.address-1.5.min.js to version 1.6.

Best Regards,
Stoyan Dobrev
5 years ago
#15656 Quote
  • 79
SDobrev wrote:

In Filters.min.js before parsing JSON you should check if the parsed variable has a value like you have done it.

Also, you should replace .attr('selected') and .attr('checked') with .is(':selected') and is(':checked').

I saw in the history we also have updated the jquery.address-1.5.min.js to version 1.6.

Thank you for the advice, however the changes you suggested didn't make any difference.  Is there something else I can try?
Nop 3.7 - ArtFactory
Nop 4.0 - Lavella, Venture, Smart, ArtFactory
5 years ago
#15678 Quote
  • 283

You will have to debug the JS code. Unfortunately, I don't have any other suggestions.
Best Regards,
Stoyan Dobrev
5 years ago
#20962 Quote
  • 3
when I select any options of ajax filter list, show popup error "Loading the page failed."

Please help me