
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

5 years ago

jsjay wrote:

I was able to resolve this. An old .dll from a different plugin's directory made it's way in to the 4.0 project directory. It has been there since 3.8, but for some reason created no errors in 3.9. Regardless I have removed it and everything is alright now. Thank you for the help!

This error specifically is resolved. However, I am now getting errors that I am missing references to certain .dll files like System.Web.Mvc, Antlr3.Runtime, etc. None of these are used by Nop anymore in version 4.0, but for some reason they are used in the various plugins Nop Templates offers? If that is true, why aren't these dependencies bundled with the plugins? Am I thinking about this correctly or am I missing something?


None of our plugins in the 4.0 version use those dlls. Are you sure that this is not coming from other plugins?

Also, please check if you are using the 4.0 version of our plugins.

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

jakubz wrote:
Hi you should add "pop up" with asking "do you really want delete it. Now one missclicking, and "html" is deleted...

Hi Jakubs,

Thank you for reporting this. It is fixed now, you can update the plugin to the latest version following this article:

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

Amer wrote:

I have enabled Info Boxes in theme settings (all of the four), but I cannot figure where to set up the Widget Zone for them (if that was possible via settings) because I want to move them to page end (before footer).

It is not a problem if that can be done only via code, just point me where to start and I will try my best to achieve it.

Thanks in advance.


Open \Themes\Emporium\Views\Home\Index.cshtml file and find this line:

@await Component.InvokeAsync("Widget", new { widgetZone = "emporium_home_page_info_boxes" })

Then just move it wherever you need ( you can even move it to another file if needed )

Hope this helps!

kukrisherpa wrote:

We have purchased the Pavillion theme and are using the smart products-custom products collection plugin.

We have a product(a bitlocker pen-drive) which serves as a required product for a laptop. Basically we have set the price for the pen-drive to 0 as it is bundled free with the laptop. However, we have uncheked the visible individually checkbox for this pen-drive and hence it doesnt appear in search results or category listing. However it shows up under the best-sellers tab when we set the source -type for the tab to "Best-sellers". Is there any way of disabling it?

Our website Url is


for consistency with nopCommerce, VisibleIndividually property is not taken into account when preparing the best sellers. If you enable the best sellers home page section from nopCommerce, you will see the same result.

Hope this helps!

Vlad Starr wrote:
There appears to be a bug where Prisma doesn't seem to properly support alternate category templates.  I duplicated the Themes\Prisma\Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml and renamed it to  Themes\Prisma\Views\Catalog\CategoryTemplates.ProductsInGridOrLinesNoSubcategory.cshtml.  I also commented out the subcategory code in the new template and assigned it to my categories in NopCommerce.  

On the first page load, I don't see the subcategories as I expect, but when try to page over to the next page, I get the message "Loading the Page Failed."  NopCommerce's error log entry shows:

The model item passed into the ViewDataDictionary is of type 'SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters.Models.ProductsModel', but this ViewDataDictionary instance requires a model item of type 'Nop.Web.Models.Catalog.CategoryModel'.

The following is also logged:

The view 'CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLinesNoSubcategory' was not found. The following locations were searched:

I suspect the pager isn't cooperating with NopCommerce's paging mechanism.  Is there a way to fix this problem, or does selectable category templates not supported?


It looks like that the Ajax Filters plugin does not find the new template. Please follow the documentation of how to add new category templates:

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

GeorgiaBril wrote:
Hello. I am running nopcommerce v4.00 with the Nop ArtFactory Responsive Theme.

My log is full of the same error:
Short message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Full message:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.ProductRibbons.Controllers.ProductRibbonsController.RetrieveProductRibbons(ProductRibbonsInfoModel model)
   at lambda_method(Closure , Object , Object[] )

IP address:
Page URL:

I get this error constantly: 780 times already today and it is not yet noon!

Do you have any idea why this is happening and what can I do to avoid it? I get frequent (one every 3 or 4 days) crashes of he application and I must restart the IIS worker to get it back working. Note sure that these errors cause the crash, but it is a possibility.

Thank you in advance,

Hi Kyriakos,

those errors are generated by the search engines trying to open the URL from above, but without passing any data ( which is required and cannot be skipped ). Unfortunately, there is nothing that we can do to prevent this. But I can assure you that this error cannot be responsible for the crashing of your site anyhow.

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
Hi, I am using this plugin and is really awesome. I would like to have a feature i.e., i need to have pagination on the attachments. i.e., i should only have two videos and should have next and previous links to see further video liks. Please help me to incorporate this feature.


The plugin is not designed to work like this and it not possible to be done in the current version. Unfortunately, we do not have plans to support this.

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

dimitrishd wrote:
I actually mean, i need to duplicate the productCustomTab.cshtml


could you please elaborate more on why do you need to duplicate this view?

Looking forward to your reply!

I mean that i have only one view CustomTab.cstml that is applied to EVERY custom tab i create.

I actually want to have a second view like CustomTab1 Customtab2 and choose which one to apply to my custom tabs , each time i create them.


Unfortunately, this is not possible without the source code of the plugin.

jslater wrote:
Hi, has there been any update to this?



Unfortunately, no. We are still looking for a way to pass the facebook app review.

6 years ago

dimitrishd wrote:
I actually mean, i need to duplicate the productCustomTab.cshtml


could you please elaborate more on why do you need to duplicate this view?

Looking forward to your reply!