
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

6 years ago

nette-16 wrote:
the rest of error full message
System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.Product_ED4FAD243B6CC569E4138B9A9D844DDE2898388B8F39548657FF1A3C058A57E3.get_ProductCategories() at SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.SaleCampaigns.Services.SaleCampaignProcessor.ProcessProductsInTrasnaction(IList`1 products, SaleCampaign campaign) at SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.SalesCampaigns.Controllers.Admin.SaleCampaignAdminController.Start(Int32 id)


Could you please submit a ticket providing a copy of your database so that we can debug it and see what is wrong?

Looking forward to your reply!

6 years ago

DarioV wrote:
Hi there,

is it possible to get a sound from youtube video that is embeded in Venture theme after pressing "Play"?


Hi Dario,

it is made on purpose to not have the sound of the video because that is the idea of the background video. But anyway, you can easily change it by going to the venture.js file and around line 745 you should see this:

videoSettings = {
    autoplay: 1,
    controls: 0,
    rel: 0,
    showinfo: 0,
    iv_load_policy: 3,
    mute: 1,
    enablejsapi: 1

where you can change the "mute" property value to 0 ( not muted ).

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

VG wrote:
I'm trying to translate the whole Uptown theme and doing great at that, but the word CLOSE in mobile view, is not among the strings. How on earth is it created? Javascript? How can I translate it?
See here for picture:


Yes, it is created by the javascript file - sevenspikes.theme.ex.min.js. Just search for "close-filters". In our new themes we don't use this approach anymore, but since you are using the Uptown theme you have to change the JS file.

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

EamonnEgan2 wrote:
Hi Dave,

At the moment this is not possible. The filters work only on categories and immediate subcategories.

We would consider enhancing the filters to work for more than two levels of categories for the next version. However right now we have two really strong arguments against this:

1. We believe that more than two level of categories for an e-commerce website is not very user friendly and most e-shops try to avoid this. In fact you will rarely see such an organization. However in your case you have your top most category hidden. So I am wondering why this is?

2. The performance implications of having all the products from a category tree to be filtered are enormous. So if we are to implement this it would really have to be well thought of and worth the effort.

Our shop has more than 2 level categories and we are currently using version 3.4. In your ajax filter plugin, it is not showing properly if category levels are more than 2. Like in our shop we have a category like White wine >> Chardonnay & Blends >> Chardonnay. All products are mapped with Chardonnay. When we browse White wine ajax filters are not available. Can you please explain why this is happening?


We answered you on the ticket. Most probably you haven't enabled the "catalogsettings.showproductsfromsubcategories" setting and this is why you don't see the filters in the parent categories.

Hope this helps!

6 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
In my Source code I am seeing
(see full file path in previous post. I don't think those placeholders should get as far as the Source Code.


Could you please submit provide a link to your store so that we can inspect it? If you don't want to post it here, just submit a ticket where the conversation will be private.

P.S. Please specify the nopCommerce version as well.

6 years ago

[email protected] wrote:
I am getting an error on our development server  -

Loading failed for the <script> with source “”.

It looks like the placeholders aren't getting replaced. Any ideas?  Version 3.9 of NOP


I'm not sure about what placeholders aren't replaced? Can you elaborate more? Also, please include a link to your website so that we can inspect it.

Looking forward to your reply!

7 years ago

IvanSlater wrote:
any new on it?


As far as I remember we decided to not implement this as there were some performance problems with it.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

concedis wrote:
Hello nop-templates community,
how is it possibile that the warehouse work for every single product also by grouped products like sample packages or hampers?

We want that the amount of the single bottels in a package adapt too, if someone buys a sample package. Not only if someone buys a single bottle.
Is this possibile to adjust?

Kind Regards,

Hi Gerlinde,

As I mentioned in the ticket that you wrote to us, it will the best to ask in the nopCommerce forums as I'm sure that there will be someone who already did something similar.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

bharatk wrote:

I want to change in store procedure "ProductLoadAllPagedNopAjaxFilters" but this is Encrypted format, i just want to one more order by.

Please suggest me how i change in procedure i have you paid version.

Thanks & Regards

Hi Bharat,

The stored procedure is encrypted and it is not available for change. However, for cases like yours, where you need to add new sort options, we have added an SQL function that is used by the stored procedure which you can edit. You will find it in SQL Managment Studio -> Your DB -> Programmability -> Functions -> Scalar-valued Functions -> seven_spikes_ajax_filters_product_sorting

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

ecommercefactory wrote:
I have bought pavilion and ultimate collection for nop 3.8.

My support has run out but I can download the 3.9 version but not the 4.0 versions of themes. I can also download the 4.0 version of one page checkout.

Will I be able to download the themes for nop 4.0 that I have paid for 3.80



Hi Peter,

For any license questions, please contact our sales team - sales[at] / or via our contact form here on the site.

Hope this helps!