
Profile: hristian.dimov


User posts

7 years ago

OTH wrote:
Hi I was wondering if it's possible to add a "Custom List" under Category Product Collections?

This is possible for Custom Product Collections, but it would be very convenient if it would also work for Category Product Collections so admins can choose which product to display on the home page under different categories.

Your input would be very much appreciated.


currently, it is not available out of the box. Please suggest your idea in our User Voice portal so that people can vote for it.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

renatolg wrote:
I can not include an article in the knowledge base. When I click on manage articles, the system directs me to the product's article page (see attached image)


the plugin from the screenshot is not Knowledgebase plugin thus we cannot advise. Please contact the vendor of the plugin for more information.

Hope this helps!

7 years ago

thakkaralok wrote:

We have purchased customer reminder plug in (We are on NopCommerce 3.60). We are finding it big difficult to use the plugin. Following is one of the example where the mail is not send out as expected. It would be great if some one can help us with right set of configuration.

We want to send out reminder email if user has register with the site but not activated the account more then one day and no later then 2 days.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Hi Alok,

We have a few examples of how to setup the plugin in our documentation. Have you checked it? -

Bubbi wrote:
I did not find it anywhere so just to ask is it possible. For example, like you you have field with CategoryIds it should be also nice to have ProductAttributedIds and ProductSpecificationIds to exclude then from showing in filters.


Unfortunately, it is not possible out of the box with the current version of the plugin. Please suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it, we will implement it.

Hope this helps!

meeran111222 wrote:


We are using nopcommerce 3.80 to our store.  When we tried to integrate CCAvenue payment gateway to our store.  After clicking Confirm Order Its redirected to blank page instead CCAvenue page.

When we tried the same with default nopcommerce code(fresh code) everything goes perfect.  With existing database only we are facing this issue.

Anyone Please do the needful to resolve this issue.

Thanks in advance.


Could you please submit a ticket and provide an URL to your store ( if possible with admin credentials ) so that we can check what might be wrong?

Looking forward to your reply!

7 years ago

Hi jirwin,

Could you please suggest your ideas in our UserVoice portal so that other customers can vote too. In this way, we can track which features are the most needed by our customers.


niterider wrote:
I have not any problem in css part, is there any learning document about this article. where is JS code of 'card' button.


With the CSS that I provided in my last post, you will make the flyout shopping cart visible all the time.

The JS code is in brooklyn.js file in the Themes\Brooklyn\Content\scripts folder. Inside the file, you will find the logic and calculations that the flyout cart is making when its open/close button is clicked.

Hope this helps!

niterider wrote:
I couldn't find English Website sample but would you please look at the link below:
if you push the + button, the product add to shopping cart on the side bar.
then we can increament quantity of products by click on + button and decreament the quntity by click on - button

I want to manipulate brooklyn theme to implement something like this.


you need to customize the theme code ( and most certainly the nopCommerce core code ) in order to achieve what you want.

As a workaround, you can just make the flyout cart to be visible all the time. However, there might be some issues with this which you need to find a way to overcome.

@media all and (min-width: 1025px) {
.flyout-cart {
    right: 0;

With the code above, you will make the flyout cart visible on desktop devices. But as I mentioned there might be some issues with this as by default there are some javascript calculations when you click the "Cart" button which now won't be executed as the cart will be always shown.

P.S. if you are using RTL, just change "right" property with "left";

Hope this helps!

niterider wrote:
I want to display mini shopping cart in home page and any other shopping page instead of flyout mini shopping cart.
the problem is that when I add a product to cart, the number of quantity will be updated but the mini shopping cart doesn't change until refreshing the page.

finally I want to develope someting like the page below


I'm not entirely sure that I understand what you need. Could you please elaborate more?

Looking forward to your reply!

7 years ago

cramrrop wrote:

Then also somehow its possible to achieve ?

Awaiting for your response.


Hi Jatin,

Unfortunately, out of the box no. But still, you can suggest your idea in our UserVoice portal and if people vote for it, we will find a way to implement this feature.

Hope this helps!