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We have purchased customer reminder plug in (We are on NopCommerce 3.60). We are finding it big difficult to use the plugin. Following is one of the example where the mail is not send out as expected. It would be great if some one can help us with right set of configuration.
We want to send out reminder email if user has register with the site but not activated the account more then one day and no later then 2 days.
Thanks in advance for your help.
We have purchased customer reminder plug in (We are on NopCommerce 3.60). We are finding it big difficult to use the plugin. Following is one of the example where the mail is not send out as expected. It would be great if some one can help us with right set of configuration.
We want to send out reminder email if user has register with the site but not activated the account more then one day and no later then 2 days.
Thanks in advance for your help.