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One of the issues that we're having is that the plugin is using the file from the thumbs directory which is resized to 500 wide. For example, we upload a slider image that is 952 wide to exactly match the theme width. Then on display, the plugin retrieves the thumbs _500 image to display and resizes it back to 952 wide. So, what was a perfect image at 952 was resized down to 500 and then resized back up to 952.
Is there anyway to force the plugin to use the original image file instead of the thumb? Or force it to use a higher resolution thumb?
The way it's working now is causing some image quality issues.
Is there anyway to force the plugin to use the original image file instead of the thumb? Or force it to use a higher resolution thumb?
The way it's working now is causing some image quality issues.
Nate Scott
775 Technology
775 Technology