fun123 wrote:So, i managed to make it work after replacing dll. It disabled and destroyed half of my conditions but okay np, not my mistake for sure. Next thing is how do you disable specific slider because i have no option??!?!? i mean, this is going from worse to the worst, and we didnt take another annual subscription to ultimate collection because all of the issues and tens for hours wasted to fix mistakes thats not our but yours. well done
Hi fun123,
OK, so after the update of the Sliders plugin then the store mapping is working fine now.
I really doesn't have a clue how some of your conditions may disappeared. No one has ever reported such an issue and also I can't understand how this is even possible to happen because replacing the plugin dll could not destroy anything in the database.
The information in the database is deleted ONLY if you Uninstall a plugin.
I also don't understand how exactly "half" of your conditions have been destroyed as if you had uninstalled the Sliders then all conditions should have been deleted and not just the half of them.
Have you don't anything else than just
updating the plugin? Please describe the steps you have done, so that we can try to reproduce it.
There are many ways to disable a specific Slider but the easiest way is by removing the widget zones from the
Widget tab of the Slider. This way this Slider will not appear in the store.
Another way is by using the
Scheduling tab and set the
To Date to be a date in the past.