
How to change "From" in the product price string

10 years ago
#7530 Quote
  • 130

The instant search returns the lowest possible price of the products, preceded by the word "From"

I have looked at the instantsearch view and don't see the word "From":

 '<div class="price"># var price = ""; if (data.ProductPrice.Price) { price = data.ProductPrice.Price } # #= price #</div>' + 

I also don't see a string resource for it...

If I want to change it to display as "Starting at"   or  "As low as", where would I do that?

10 years ago
#7532 Quote
  • 1570
joster wrote:

The instant search returns the lowest possible price of the products, preceded by the word "From"

I have looked at the instantsearch view and don't see the word "From":

 '<div class="price"># var price = ""; if (data.ProductPrice.Price) { price = data.ProductPrice.Price } # #= price #</div>' + 

I also don't see a string resource for it...

If I want to change it to display as "Starting at"   or  "As low as", where would I do that?


Hi joster,

It comes from nopCommerce and is used to show prices of grouped products. It is a resource, which you can search for an change. Just search for a resource value that contains "From" or try to change this one with key "products.pricerangefrom". Instead of using "From {0}", you can change it to "Starting at {0}", where {0} is the placeholder of the actual price (the lowest price of all the products withing the grouped product).

Regards, Team