codicezerouno wrote:Hello,
we need to create sliders for each language of the site. So we need upload images for each language.
Is it possible? If yes, how can we do it?
Hi codicezerouno,
There is no way to do this out of the box with the current version of the Sliders.
The workaround for this is to use Manual integration by SystemName for the sliders and name your sliders by including the language culture in them.
For example if you have 2 languages - English and Italian.
Then you need to create two sliders and name them Slider-en-US and Slider-it-IT. Then for Slider-en-US upload images with English text and for Slider-it-IT upload images with Italian text. Then you need to integrate them Manually by including the current language culture in the SystemName parameter.
var currentLanguageCulture = Nop.Core.Infrastructure.EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Core.IWorkContext>().WorkingLanguage.LanguageCulture;
@Html.Action("Slider", "AnywhereSliders", new { systemName = "Slider-" + currentLanguageCulture })
Then simply add the code snippet above to the place where you want your slider to appear in the view file.
Now when you change the language to be Italian it will show with name Slider-it-IT and show the Italian images.
About manual integration by systemName you can read point 2.1 in the online documentation: You idea to have a way to mark a Slider for a given language from the Administration is great. You can suggest it in our
UserVoice portal and let others vote for it.
Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team