
Product table in email

10 years ago
#8347 Quote
  • 17

I have seen in your Nop-Template cart email, you have nicely formatted table which includes Product in cart as well picture and prices. However, when I added Product with Picture it is not coming as nice format as yours. What do I have to do to get it same.

Also, for customer name I have select Fullname, it is available for all customers but in email it is not coming up correct.

10 years ago
#8352 Quote
  • 1570
digitalmbs wrote:

I have seen in your Nop-Template cart email, you have nicely formatted table which includes Product in cart as well picture and prices. However, when I added Product with Picture it is not coming as nice format as yours. What do I have to do to get it same.

Also, for customer name I have select Fullname, it is available for all customers but in email it is not coming up correct.


Hi digitalmbs,

We don't use any special formatting. We simply use the same token that is available in the plugin. I don't know why your formatting is different than ours. So it will be best if you can submit a ticket and add some screenshots, so that we can see what is wrong.
Regards, Team
10 years ago
#8410 Quote
  • 8
I am having the same problem, my customer reminders don´t look like the one shown on your Customer reminders overview page

It is supposed to look like this:

Mine however looks like this:

Here is a reminder I got from you, it also does not look like the one showed on the overview page but looks more like mine:

I am using Nopcommerce 3.1
10 years ago
#8413 Quote
  • 1570
beatmaster wrote:
I am having the same problem, my customer reminders don´t look like the one shown on your Customer reminders overview page

It is supposed to look like this:

Mine however looks like this:

Here is a reminder I got from you, it also does not look like the one showed on the overview page but looks more like mine:

I am using Nopcommerce 3.1

Hi beatmaster,

Thank you for the clarification!
I see now that this is could be misleading.
There are two important things here - the styling and the information.

About the styling I believe that you understand that this is a sample email and it doesn't mean that all emails will look this way. Please note that the email templates can be edited from the administration of the plugin, so you can style them in whatever way you want. We try to keep the default one as simple as possible and leave the customization to the customer.
For the image on the product page - our designer just wanted to make it looks good with the overall design of our new web site.

About the information - prior to nopCommerce 3.4 you couldn't modify the generated products with pictures html. So in nopCommerce 3.1 you can only have the picture with size 75 px and the product title below it (same as yours and our templates) . Since nopCommerce 3.4 we made the information in this token %ShoppingCart.ProductsWithPictures% to be editable in a separate view - AbandonedShoppingCartTemplate.cshtml. So now you can change the generated markup for the product information to whatever you want i.e have a bigger picture and place it on the left side and the product name on the right side etc. All the other information can also be show i.e price, short description etc. but it is not shown by default and if you want to show it you need to modify the AbandonedShoppingCartTemplate.cshtml view (coding skills required).

As it seems like you prefer the design shown on the product page and also to eliminate any misleading information we decided to change the layout of the products with pictures token. We will make it similar to the one on the product page but we can do this after the release of nopCommerce 3.5, which is expected next week and we will do it directly for nopCommerce 3.5.
Regards, Team
10 years ago
#8419 Quote
  • 17
Wow, that would be great. I didn't know that we can customiser that tag.. Now will try it.