I am not familiar with C#, but technically you are saying that on the homepage file
Themes\YourThemeName\Views\Home\Index.cshtml. I have the Jcarousel widget associated with home_page_bottom that before this section I could add a div and then in my css I would float this left. Can I also add images directly to the page, like I can in traditional html or would I need to make a background image via css for this.
So on the homepage I have this...
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsOne.cshtml";
<div class="page home-page">
<div class="page-body">
@Html.Action("TopicBlock", "Topic", new { systemName = "HomePageText" })
<div class="clear">
@Html.Action("HomepageCategories", "Catalog")
<div class="clear">
[email protected]("HomepageProducts", "Catalog")
<div class="clear">
@Html.Action("HomepageBestSellers", "Catalog")
<div class="clear">
@Html.Action("HomePageNews", "News")
<div class="clear">
@Html.Action("HomePagePolls", "Poll")
So before the home_page_bottom, I could add a div that is float left. Could I also wrap the home_page_bottom in a div that floats right or will that not work in MVC. If I also want additional images and content can that be added in additional div's like I would in normal html farther down the page