
- 19
Asking here since I never seem to get any answers in nopcommerce' forums. Our site in development has a computer configurator that uses products attributes associated to products. Because of the limitations (bug IMHO) on how nopcommerce deals with dynamic pricing we had to make a custom Simple Product and Category template that hides the price and add to cart fields on the product categories page. This was because it was not showing dynamic price total. This was the easiest work around we found until/if Nopcommerce gets around to properly implementing grouped products and dynamic pricing. Is there a way to have instant search perhaps have the option to hide price and add to cart in the search auto complete and search results? If not is there a way to hide the price and add to cart on the search results page at least? here is a picture of how it looks now. http://1drv.ms/1MxV4uv
Thanks Chris
Asking here since I never seem to get any answers in nopcommerce' forums. Our site in development has a computer configurator that uses products attributes associated to products. Because of the limitations (bug IMHO) on how nopcommerce deals with dynamic pricing we had to make a custom Simple Product and Category template that hides the price and add to cart fields on the product categories page. This was because it was not showing dynamic price total. This was the easiest work around we found until/if Nopcommerce gets around to properly implementing grouped products and dynamic pricing. Is there a way to have instant search perhaps have the option to hide price and add to cart in the search auto complete and search results? If not is there a way to hide the price and add to cart on the search results page at least? here is a picture of how it looks now. http://1drv.ms/1MxV4uv
Thanks Chris