
Changing menu bar in Allure theme

9 years ago
#8950 Quote
  • 1
Hello! Is there a way to change the look of the menu on the Allure theme.  Right now my logo is to the left of the menu and I would like to have the logo above the menu topics so I have more space to add menu items. I'm not a programmer in any way so talk to me like I'm a child. :)  Thank you!
9 years ago
#8953 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 104
Hi there,

This is what you need to do (I will explany the best I can ):

Go to '~Themes\Allure\Content\css\980.css', and open the file '980.css'. Then you need to add this line of code in the very bottom of the code:



This must be enough for separate the logo and search from the menu and to have more space for the menu elements. Finally make sure you save the changes and that is it.
Peter Zhekov