About the topics: You could restrict them per store from the administration, but you would need also to make some changes to the theme footer. It is located at Themes/Alure/Views/Common/Footer.cshtml. In there you will find the footer-menu section and the list of links. You would need to change them to be:
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("aboutus") })">@T("AboutUs")</a></li>
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("privacyinfo") })">@T("PrivacyNotice")</a></li>
@if (storeId != storeBId)
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("shippinginfo") })">@T("ShippingReturns")</a></li>
<li><a href="@Url.RouteUrl("Topic", new { SeName = Html.GetTopicSeName("conditionsofUse") })">@T("ConditionsOfUse")</a></li>
You could find out the ids of your stores by going to administration -> configuration -> stores and by hovering or clicking the edit link you will see a number at the end of the url. This is the store id.
For the phones you could do something similar. Because the phone number is actually a resource you will have to create two new resources. One for store A and one for Store B. Then you will need to find and edit the phone section in the footer.
It should look something like this after the edit:
@if (storeId == storeAId)
<li class="phone">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Allure.Common.Phone.ForStoreA")</li>
else if (storeId == storeBId)
<li class="phone">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Allure.Common.Phone.ForStoreB")</li>