
- 49
I have been using the Lighthouse theme for over a year and a half. I think the original theme had used the Mega Menu plugin to handle the responsive menu. Upon upgrading, it appears the option "Enable responsive menu" is no longer there. So I have to use the megameu plugin to get the responsive menu at all times. Is this true and if so is there a work around to use the theme menu on desktops and to use the mega menu under 960px?
Also, it appears if I only have 1 slide to display, the plugin does not work. It is replicating the image 2 times. Does this plugin need 2 sliders to work properly?
My site is a dev site so it currently is not publicly available - sorry.
Also, it appears if I only have 1 slide to display, the plugin does not work. It is replicating the image 2 times. Does this plugin need 2 sliders to work properly?
My site is a dev site so it currently is not publicly available - sorry.
Nate Kindom