
Update to Nop v3.6

9 years ago
#9321 Quote
  • 5
Hey ,

As announced on NopForums official version 3.6 is going to be released 15th of June 2015. How does your planning for upgrade looks like for plugins/theme ? 

Thanks for info
9 years ago
#9322 Quote
  • 1570
raftech wrote:
Hey ,

As announced on NopForums official version 3.6 is going to be released 15th of June 2015. How does your planning for upgrade looks like for plugins/theme ? 

Thanks for info

Hi raftech,

We will be ready to release all our products the same day when nopCommerce 3.6 is officially released. But our practice shows that it is not a good idea to do so, because there have been times when new changes are added to the release several days after that.
This is due to the fact that a lot of people start installing a new version of nopCommerce only when it is officially released. Which means that in the first 1-2 days it is more likely that someone finds a major bug that will need fixing for the release.
So most probably we will wait and release all our products on 16th of June, so that at least 24 hours have passed after the official release and save our clients from possible updates later.

I hope this information is useful!
Regards, Team
9 years ago
#9323 Quote
  • 5
Hey ,

Thats great news! I was thinking it would take more than hours - thats why I asked :) 

9 years ago
#9380 Quote
  • 17
Ok, so where does one get the update. We've updated the cart to 3.6 and the Electronic theme blows up the cart.

I would have thought that those of us that have purchased thO theme would have been notified and provided the download for for 3.6.

I've searched the site and do not find nor is available in My Account.

9 years ago
#9381 Quote
  • 1570
Rgrant wrote:
Ok, so where does one get the update. We've updated the cart to 3.6 and the Electronic theme blows up the cart.

I would have thought that those of us that have purchased thO theme would have been notified and provided the download for for 3.6.

I've searched the site and do not find nor is available in My Account.

Hi Rgrant,

It is the same download link that you have in your My Account. We have just added the new 3.6 version to it. You just need to download the package again as described in this article.
Regards, Team
9 years ago
#9385 Quote
  • 17
Thanks - I had just figured it out. I went to the download zip fit+ and saw the 3.6 upgrade. Had to look at the zip file though.

We are having problems installing all the plugins.

From my Technical guy

Here are the plugins for Seven Spikes (third party development people that you got the theme from).

The 4 listed do _not_ cause the cart to crash, the 9 listed cause the cart to crash if they exist in the plugins directory. We have tried and tried [should this be written as a ticket?]

1. core
2. cloud zoom
3. facebookshop
4. nopQuickTabs

crashes effect is ahat the  login page says "error message"
5. ajaxcart
6. ajaxfillters
7. anywhereslider
8. instant search
9. jCarousel
10. megamenu
11. productribbons
12. quickviews

I don't now or see what causes the error, I don't see a log file, etc. we just get the generic cart error.

Here is the cart with just the working plugins installed

9 years ago
#9390 Quote
  • 1570
Rgrant wrote:
Thanks - I had just figured it out. I went to the download zip fit+ and saw the 3.6 upgrade. Had to look at the zip file though ...

Hi Rgrant,

You don't need to install the plugins again. You just need to follow the upgrade instructions.
In the 3.6 folder you will find a folder named "Upgrade". Basically you just need to run the upgrade script. But if you want we can take a look. Please submit a ticket and we will advice.
Regards, Team