
General Discussion

12 years ago
#1438 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
You can post here anything regarding the Nop Beauty Theme.
12 years ago
#1845 Quote
  • 3

I have managed to get the template up and running added everything just need a hand with the Anywhere Sliders, I am unable to make it appear on the homepage, (home_page_slider_top) I have been through the forums and tried most things that seem like the solution but no luck yet.

I am also wanting to remove the following

phone icon and number at the top left,
the 'follow us' label and 3 pics.
the 'connect with us' phone icons and numbers.

Thats it then :)
12 years ago
#1851 Quote
  • Moderator
  • 1044
Hi soulburner,

As to the sliders they should be activated as a widget. You can check this from the Administration -> Content Management -> Widgets page.

1. You can remove the phone and email contacts by opening the ~/Themes/Beauty/Views/Shared/Header.cshtml file in a text editor and remove the following piece of code:

<div class="header-contacts">
        <!-- Changed resources -->
        <span class="phone">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.HeaderContacts.Phone")</span>
        <span class="mail"><a href="javascript:AntiSpam('@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.HeaderContacts.EmailName")', '@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.HeaderContacts.EmailDomain")')">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.HeaderContacts.EmailName") [at] @T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.HeaderContacts.EmailDomain")</a></span>

2. Open the following file in a text editor ~/Themes/Beauty/Views/Common/Footer.cshtml and remove the following:

<div class="footbox social">
                <h3 class="title">@T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.FollowUs")</h3> @*changed*@
                <a href="@facebookUrl" class="facebook" target="_blank"></a>
                <a href="@twitterUrl" class="twitter" target="_blank"></a>
                <a  class="rss" href="@Url.RouteUrl("BlogRSS", new { languageId = workingLanguageId })"></a>

3. Open the same file ~/Themes/Beauty/Views/Common/Footer.cshtml and remove the following:

<div class="footlist footer-contacts">
                <h3 class="title">
                    @T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.ConnectWithUs")</h3> @*changed*@
                    <li class="phone">
                        @T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.ConnectWithUs.Phone")</li> @*changed*@
                    <li class="mobile">
                        @T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.ConnectWithUs.Mobile")</li> @*changed*@
                    <li class="email">
                        @T("SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.ConnectWithUs.Email")</li> @*changed*@

Hope that helps!

12 years ago
#1854 Quote
  • 3

Right I have managed to remove all the things thanks to you.  

I am still having problems with the Anywhere slider, I have been through the online documentation for help, and have checked the forums but couldnt find anything, I am trying to make it appear on the homepage.

I have managed to make it appear under a sub category and it works fine, but where I need it on the homepage.

I can see the end and it looks good :D (from where im sat )

Thanks for your help and sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section.
12 years ago
#1857 Quote
  • 1
soulburner wrote:

Right I have managed to remove all the things thanks to you.  

I am still having problems with the Anywhere slider, I have been through the online documentation for help, and have checked the forums but couldnt find anything, I am trying to make it appear on the homepage.

I have managed to make it appear under a sub category and it works fine, but where I need it on the homepage.

I can see the end and it looks good :D (from where im sat )

Thanks for your help and sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section.

Hi soulburner,

If you have mapped a slider to a category then it will apear ONLY on the category pages for the given categories.
If you have a slider to appear on the Home page you should not add it to any categories.
So simply create a new slider and add it on the home page without mapping it to any category.

Hope this helps!

12 years ago
#1865 Quote
  • 3

Thanks a lot, it works perfectly like you said :)

now to add the products, hopefully there wont be any more problems I find

Thanks again for your help and support
11 years ago
#2706 Quote
  • 1
Where can I change the setting for:
SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.HeaderContacts.Phone ??
11 years ago
#2709 Quote
  • 269
JamesCasas wrote:
Where can I change the setting for:
SevenSpikes.Themes.Beauty.Common.HeaderContacts.Phone ??

Hi JamesCasas,

The Phone, Email and some other resources in the header and footer can be changed from the administration of nopCommerce. To learn how to change a resource, please read our glossary:
Also you can check the documentation of the Beauty theme. You can find all of the resource string names there:

Best regards,

Ivan Stoyanov
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