
BUG: Paging appears broken when Scroll To Element On The Page After Filtration is unticked

9 years ago
#9896 Quote
  • 12
Well maybe not a bug in the strict sense but it's a slightly disorienting user experience.  When AJAX filters is enabled but the option to Scroll To Element On The Page After Filtration (Desktop) is unticked, clicking on the category page numbers doesn't cause the page to scroll. This is best demonstrated by trying it on your demo site:
1. Go to:
2. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page (but keeping the pagination control in view)
3. Click to go to page 2

The exact visual effect depends on the size of the browser window, but all I see is the page numbers disappear.  What's actually happening is the products area is refreshed via AJAX and the page numbers move up out of view.  I think the Scroll To This Element After Filtration setting should be applied to paging actions regardless of the setting for Scroll To Element On The Page After Filtration.

Regards, Pete.
9 years ago
#9904 Quote
  • 347

Can you suggest this to our UserVoice portal

Iliyan Tanev
Nop-Templates Dev Team
9 years ago
#9908 Quote
  • 12
iliyan.tanev wrote:
Can you suggest this to our UserVoice portal ?

tbh this isn't affecting my site any more since I'm using the Scroll To Element On The Page After Filtration option. I just thought you'd like to know since it affects your demo sites. I'm happy to use your UserVoice portal for enhancement suggestions but I regard this as a bug.

Regards, Pete.
9 years ago
#9920 Quote
  • 347

Sorry, I didn't consider that this option can be of use in your case.

Thank you for your feedback! We will take a look. 

Iliyan Tanev
Nop-Templates Dev Team