hanz wrote:Hi,
How and where exactly do I pass " IEnumerable<ProductOverviewModel> "
I tried to add:
@Html.Action("JCarousel", "JCarousel", new {carouselName = "Custom Data Source", productModels = Model.CustomProductModels})*@
to index.cshtml in electr/views/home/ but receive an error.
I changed the name Custom Data Source to the system name I gave in admin, but I gues that's not the way to do it.
Thanks for any help!
Hi hanz,
Probably it is not very well explained in the documentation of the plugin.
The data that you pass to the
productModels argument should be of type
IEnumerable<ProductOverviewModel>. The code above is a sample code that gives you an example. Basically to the custom datasource is intended for more advanced scenarios and you need to be familiar with
MVC and how
nopCommerce works. A sample scenario is to show a set of products that you have in a custom view in a nice carousel and take advantage of the JCarousel plugin visualization.
Please let us know if you want us to elaborate more on this!
Best Regards,
Nop-Templates Support Team