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Hello, I am using NopCommerce 2.65 and I have the Ultimate Plugins. I am using the Anywhere Sliders plugin and if I use a one column layout everything works and looks fine, but if I use a two column layout things get shifted and not the way I want them to. What it looks like is the slider is being called as part of the main body or div/widget within that area. So when I select a two column layout, everything is getting shifted over. What I would like to have is the header section, followed by the mega menu section that I already have in place and then followed by the slider and then the body with a 2 column layout that is after the slider. I took a look in the admin for the slider and the widget I am using is the home_page_top. Anyway to have the slider spread across the page in a single column or 100% of the page width and then followed by a two column layout would be great!
Any help is much appreciated, thanks!
Any help is much appreciated, thanks!