
- 57
I keep having issues with the text format when I add text to my topic page. Basically,when I update my word documents and add my text to the text field (or box) of the topic page, some of the text appears altogether, although there are clearly spaces in the document. I actually tested further by adding extra spaces to see how it would look, but I get the same result.
The following is on example of a line where the text is not displayed properly: Please note that Cizo & Déco only allows shipping within Canada. You can actually see it live on www.cizodeco.com
Let me if you see this issue at your end.
I keep having issues with the text format when I add text to my topic page. Basically,when I update my word documents and add my text to the text field (or box) of the topic page, some of the text appears altogether, although there are clearly spaces in the document. I actually tested further by adding extra spaces to see how it would look, but I get the same result.
The following is on example of a line where the text is not displayed properly: Please note that Cizo & Déco only allows shipping within Canada. You can actually see it live on www.cizodeco.com
Let me if you see this issue at your end.