
Error adding products with "allowable quantities"

8 years ago
#12040 Quote
  • 3

I am facing an error. I've configured products with "allowable quantities" : 1,6,12. After activating "Nop Ajax Cart" I can't add these items to my cart: Warning Popup message: "Allowed quantities: 1, 6, 12"

What can I do? Thanks!
8 years ago
#12041 Quote
  • 157
arueda wrote:

I am facing an error. I've configured products with "allowable quantities" : 1,6,12. After activating "Nop Ajax Cart" I can't add these items to my cart: Warning Popup message: "Allowed quantities: 1, 6, 12"

What can I do? Thanks!

Hi arueda,

So if you have configured "allowed quantities" to be 1, 6, 12 you will be able to add this product only with these given quantities. 

Please note that if you have previously added any quantity of this product to the cart and try to add it again, the quantity from this product from your shopping cart will be added to the quantity you are trying to add to the shopping cart and if it is not 1, 6 or 12, you will receive this error. This is because you should not be able to have different quantity from this product in the cart than the allowed ones.

Hope that helps.
Best Regards,

Stefan Hristov
8 years ago
#12044 Quote
  • 3
I was wrong :(
Thank you so much