You can not remove the email, but you can hide it so to the customer it will appear it does not exist.
To do it you will need to:
Open the BillingAddress.cshtml view located at
SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.RealOnePageCheckout/Views/RealOnePageCheckout, in there you will find a div that holds the label and the input of the email. In the input you will find an
ng-reuqired directive. Remove it. Also in the value field you will see an angular expression looking like this:
replace it with this
{{vm.billingData.selectedBillingAddress.email || '[email protected]'}}
This will just set a default value for the email to be
[email protected].
In the div that wraps the email stuff set an inline styling like this:
style="display: none;"
This will hide the email div from the billing address form.
You should do the same for the shipping from the ShippingAddress.cshtml view.
Note: Keep in mind that this will remove the email option for all your customers, registered or guests!
Hope this helps!