
Show QTY box for categories and products for smartphones and Ipad

8 years ago
#12359 Quote
  • 6
Hi All,

I noticed that nop motion theme has not implemented the feature of showing quantity box for mobile and smartphones. 

I would like to know the reason for this and simple way of implementing same for all devices.

Thank You
8 years ago
#12360 Quote
  • 70
mshaikhji wrote:
Hi All,

I noticed that nop motion theme has not implemented the feature of showing quantity box for mobile and smartphones. 

I would like to know the reason for this and simple way of implementing same for all devices.

Thank You


there is no quantity box in the item-box element by default in nopCommerce. The quantity box comes from our AjaxCart plug-in and we've actually disabled the plug-in entirely on mobile. The reason is that it is a bad practice to have pop-ups on mobile and people shop faster than on desktop. The quantity by default is 1, so when a person wants to buy something they need to click no more than once (unless they want to buy more, or the product has attributes).

Implementing this would require heavy code modification, mostly because nopCommerce doesn't support it by default...
Aleksandar Ivanov
8 years ago
#12362 Quote
  • 6
Ok. got it. Thanks a lot for clarification on this:)
8 years ago
#12363 Quote
  • 70
mshaikhji wrote:
Ok. got it. Thanks a lot for clarification on this:)

I'm glad I could help! If you have any more questions or thoughts about the theme, you are welcome to share them. We will try our best to be of assistance :)
Aleksandar Ivanov