
- 13
Since I don't really do theme and UI modifications for my clients, I recommended early on to one client that they should hire someone else to do the theme css tweaks and UI/UX work. We built the site on Shop All 3.50 and modified out of the box nop functionality fairly extensively. We added plugins and modified many of the view files in the Shop All theme. Yesterday my client called me and said that he has talked to now 3 people who refused to take on the project because we used the Shop All theme. One told him 'that was the worst thing you could do is to use a third party theme'. I replied that the Shop All theme, like any of your themes, are MEANT to be customized and there are thousands of sites on nop using your themes that are very heavily customized with css tweaks, plugins, moving elements around the pages, and more. I know that you cannot customize the logic behind some of the plugins, however if a plugin does not do what you want then don't install it and either find another that behaves the way you want or write your own. Am I missing something here? Why would a so called 'nop expert' say that? Ignorance? Misinformation or unfamiliarity with your themes ?
By the way, if anyone reading this does nop-template theme customizations and would like to take on a project for a US company, my client would love to talk to you. Please PM me.
Shawn at NopAdmin
By the way, if anyone reading this does nop-template theme customizations and would like to take on a project for a US company, my client would love to talk to you. Please PM me.
Shawn at NopAdmin