
Logo gets background color

8 years ago
#12890 Quote
  • 14
Hi Team,

I have installed Pavilion theme and uploaded our own png logo with transparent background. The logo is uploaded successfully but when the page load happends, the logo gets a background-color: #00c0ef automatically. The behaviour is same in all browsers.

Can any one please help me understand which setting is causing this problem?
8 years ago
#12891 Quote
  • 1

This problem appears because you are using a logo that has no background. If you add a white background (or any color background) to your logo you will no longer have this problem.
8 years ago
#12894 Quote
  • 14
Easquareit wrote:

This problem appears because you are using a logo that has no background. If you add a white background (or any color background) to your logo you will no longer have this problem.

Correct! This worked! I'm surprised why isn't there any option in theme settings somewhere to ignore logo transparency. There is a high chance that people change themes occasionally and a white background might not fit for all themes.

Anyway, thanks for the tip!