
Ajax Filters Automatically set a filter on specific page

8 years ago
#13177 Quote
  • 12

We have a number of different brand landing pages, whereby the user will click the brand link which takes them to the page and it has details about the brand and then a list of the brands products below it.

the issue we currently have is that when the user navigates to this page in the first instant it show only the current brands products (which is correct). However, the left hand widget for filtering categories (e.g. rings, watches, etc) redirects to a generic search page and so takes the user to a new page where the current filter is removed and only then onl applies the category filter.

Id it possible to use your AJAX filters to solve this? i.e. would it be possible to navigate to the brand page and still list the filter by brand (maybe just tick the specific brand box in your search widget?)

then when the user clicks on a category, it would filter using ajax but apply both filters (i.e. brand AND category?)

If you need any more info, please let me know. Hopefully your plugin ca solve my issue.
8 years ago
#13181 Quote
  • 283

With the AjaxFilters you can create an URL with specific filtration (for example filter by a manufacturer on some category page) and when you land on that page the filtration will be applied.

Unfortunately, after changing the category/subcategory this filtration will be lost because this is category navigation, not category filter.
Best Regards,
Stoyan Dobrev
7 years ago
#13195 Quote
  • 12
Hi many thanks for this.

I think this would work though wouldnt it?

i.e. when the user first clicks to navigate to teh brand page we pass across the brand as the search term (which correct me if I am wrong would set the brand as selected).

then when the use further filters, this would still apply the brand filter as well as it filters using ajax we dont leave the current page?

correct me if i am wrong? is this possible.
7 years ago
#13196 Quote
  • 283

Yes, that is right.

You can test this on our demo site. Here is a link with a selected Manufacturer filter "Apple". You can use further filters also on this page but if you change the category they will be lost because we don't have category filters. It is category navigation.
Best Regards,
Stoyan Dobrev
7 years ago
#13197 Quote
  • 12
Ok, yes that looks good, I'll download the demo and give it whirl. If it integrates well then I'll be purchasing no problem!
7 years ago
#13207 Quote
  • 12
Firstly, thanks for the link.

Is it possible for me to set the manFilters value from my razor view?
7 years ago
#13211 Quote
  • 283

You can simulate click on the checkboxes on document ready. The "data-option-ids" attribute contains the filter item Id.

Please note that this will cause a page refresh.
Best Regards,
Stoyan Dobrev