Unfortunately, at the moment you cannot show the short description of the product in a tab.
You can suggest your idea over at our
UserVoice, however. We implement the best and most voted ideas, so our users can have the functionalities they want from our products.
You can achieve this functionality by doing some code modification. Edit the ~/Plugins/SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.NopQuickTabs/Views/ProductTab/_ProductTabsWithoutAjax.cshtml file and on line 20 you should find the following code:
@foreach (var tabInfo in Model.Tabs)
<div id="
[email protected]">
replace it with this:
@foreach (var tabInfo in Model.Tabs)
<div id="
[email protected]">
@if (tabInfo.Title.Equals("Overview"))
Note: Change "Overview" with whatever your description tab title is called if for some reason it is different (e.g. different language).
Note: You will have to uncheck the Enable Ajax setting in the Nop Quick Tabs settings in order for this to work.
Hope that helps!