Yes, there is a way for the grouped products to have the specifications of their child products (the simple products). This is done by simply mapping all of the child products specification options to the grouped products.
This is how we do it on our demo stores. For example, you have Grouped Product and 3 Child Products. You have a specification with different options for each child. The group product will have to be mapped to all of the options of that specification whereas the child products will only have to be mapped to their own options. E.g.:
Child Product 1: should contain Specification Option 1 Child Product 2: should contain Specification Option 2 Child Product 3: should contain Specification Option 3 Group Product: should contain all specification options: Specification Option 1, Specification Option 2, Specification Option 3
This way when you filter with Ajax Filters, for example, the grouped product will be returned every time a specification option that belongs to any of it's child products is selected.
Thanks for the quick reply. I did try that, but unfortunately it had a drawback.
Some of the child products have product ribbons associated with the specs, and all of those specs get displayed on the main group picture.
I tried to create a spec condition filter for the product ribbons to not display the ribbons for the master group picture by creating a specification of "MasterGroupItem". I applied this spec to the main grouped item with a value of "Yes". I applied a condition to the product ribbons to fail if "MasterGroupItem" is NOT equal to "Yes", but it seems that it's ignoring it and still displays it.
You can try to exclude the grouped products from the condition of the ribbons by using the Override Product Conditions. Just add the grouped products in the override product conditions grid and select a State "Excluded" for them. This means they will be excluded from the list of products that the ribbon will be displayed on.
This might be a little bit more work than your solution but I think it is cleaner because you do not create excessive specifications that are hard to follow and maintain in the future.